Presentation + Paper
13 March 2017 Preliminary development of augmented reality systems for spinal surgery
Nhu Q. Nguyen, Joel M. Ramjist, Jamil Jivraj, Raphael Jakubovic, Ryan Deorajh, Victor X. D. Yang
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Surgical navigation has been more actively deployed in open spinal surgeries due to the need for improved precision during procedures. This is increasingly difficult in minimally invasive surgeries due to the lack of visual cues caused by smaller exposure sites, and increases a surgeon’s dependence on their knowledge of anatomical landmarks as well as the CT or MRI images. The use of augmented reality (AR) systems and registration technologies in spinal surgeries could allow for improvements to techniques by overlaying a 3D reconstruction of patient anatomy in the surgeon’s field of view, creating a mixed reality visualization. The AR system will be capable of projecting the 3D reconstruction onto a field and preliminary object tracking on a phantom. Dimensional accuracy of the mixed media will also be quantified to account for distortions in tracking.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nhu Q. Nguyen, Joel M. Ramjist, Jamil Jivraj, Raphael Jakubovic, Ryan Deorajh, and Victor X. D. Yang "Preliminary development of augmented reality systems for spinal surgery", Proc. SPIE 10050, Clinical and Translational Neurophotonics, 100500K (13 March 2017); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Augmented reality

3D modeling

Computing systems

Computer vision technology

3D metrology

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