20 February 2017 Quantum structures for recombination control in the light-emitting transistor
Kanuo Chen, Fu-Chen Hsiao, Brittany Joy, John M. Dallesasse
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Proceedings Volume 10123, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XVI; 1012318 (2017)
Event: SPIE OPTO, 2017, San Francisco, California, United States
Recombination of carriers in the direct-bandgap base of a transistor-injected quantum cascade laser (TI-QCL) is shown to be controllable through the field applied across the quantum cascade region located in the transistor’s base-collector junction. The influence of the electric field on the quantum states in the cascade region’s superlattice allows free flow of electrons out of the transistor base only for field values near the design field that provides optimal QCL gain. Quantum modulation of base recombination in the light-emitting transistor is therefore observed. In a GaAs-based light-emitting transistor, a periodic superlattice is grown between the p-type base and the n-type collector. Under different base-collector biasing conditions the distribution of quantum states, and as a consequence transition probabilities through the wells and barriers forming the cascade region, leads to strong field-dependent mobility for electrons in transit through the base-collector junction. The radiative base recombination, which is influenced by minority carrier transition lifetime, can be modulated through the quantum states alignment in the superlattice. A GaAs-based transistor-injected quantum cascade laser with AlGaAs/GaAs superlattice is designed and fabricated. Radiative base recombination is measured under both common-emitter and common-base configuration. In both configurations the optical output from the base is proportional to the emitter injection. When the quantum states in the superlattice are aligned the optical output in the base is reduced as electrons encounter less impedance entering the collector; when the quantum states are misaligned electrons have longer lifetime in the base and the radiative base recombination process is enhanced.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kanuo Chen, Fu-Chen Hsiao, Brittany Joy, and John M. Dallesasse "Quantum structures for recombination control in the light-emitting transistor", Proc. SPIE 10123, Novel In-Plane Semiconductor Lasers XVI, 1012318 (20 February 2017); Logo
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Quantum cascade lasers




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