24 May 2018 Single-shot microsecond-resolved spectroscopy of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle with quantum cascade laser frequency combs (Conference Presentation)
Markus Geiser, Jessica L. Klocke, Markus Mangold, Pitt Allmendinger, Andreas Hugi, Pierre Jouy, Balint Horvath, Jérôme Faist, Tilman Kottke
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Time-resolved vibrational spectroscopy is an important tool for understanding biological processes and chemical reaction pathways [1]. Today, all available methods to our knowledge require many repetitions of an experiment to acquire a microsecond time-res. mid-IR spectrum. We present the IRspectrometer, a quantum cascade laser dual frequency comb spectrometer [2-3]. It allows for parallel acquisition of hundreds of mid-infrared wavelengths with microsecond time resolution. The formation of the light-activated L, M and N-states in bacteriorhodopsin – which only have µs to ms lifetimes – has been recorded that show the infrared response of bacteriorhodopsin to 10 ns visible light pulses with microsecond time-resolution. The different wavelengths were all measured in parallel thanks to the dual-comb approach. The spectra as well as the kinetics show good agreement with those from step-scan FT-IR measurements. As a benchmark, the spectral signature of several intermediate states of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle has been recorded in a single shot measurement. This approach greatly reduces the complexity of time-resolved bio-spectroscopy measurements in the mid-infrared which currently require many repetitions.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Markus Geiser, Jessica L. Klocke, Markus Mangold, Pitt Allmendinger, Andreas Hugi, Pierre Jouy, Balint Horvath, Jérôme Faist, and Tilman Kottke "Single-shot microsecond-resolved spectroscopy of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle with quantum cascade laser frequency combs (Conference Presentation)", Proc. SPIE 10685, Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care VI, 106852G (24 May 2018);

Frequency combs

Quantum cascade lasers


Chemical reactions

FT-IR spectroscopy

Infrared radiation

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