In addition to these projects, China also has various social-ranking technologies, ultimately creating social accountability, and incentive to follow the law and act in the interest of the government. Although the benefits of an interconnected city are great, there are many concerns to consider. From a technical perspective, one must worry about potential attacks on and shortcomings of such a system, including, but not limited to: the failure of a centralized system, a DDOS or ransomware attack, over-reliance on algorithms, an attack on training data, and data breaches. From a policy standpoint, data privacy laws could create large road blocks, and the questions of who is responsible for the data at hand and how it is being used also rest to create huge problems. This paper explores how projects like this are possible in China, but not in America, and the different concerns that come along with such projects. |
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Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
Artificial intelligence
Evolutionary algorithms
Imaging systems
Global Positioning System
Detection and tracking algorithms