The purpose of NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) topic S2.02 Precision Deployable Optical Structures and Metrology is to develop enabling, cost effective component and subsystem technology for deploying large aperture telescopes. Referencing the 2017 Cosmic Origins (COR) Program Annual Technology Report (PATR), the COR Program Office recommended that the NASA Astrophysics Division at HQ solicit and fund the maturation of technologies to fill multiple Priority Tier 1-3 technology gaps. Future NASA astrophysics missions such as the New Worlds Technology Development Program (NWTDP) require telescopes with 10-30 m apertures, operating at temperatures from 4-300 K, in wavelengths from the visible to far-infrared. Besides the large optics, technologies such as coronagraphs, external occulters, and interferometers require concomitant advancements in opto-mechanical technologies, including ultra-stable materials with areal density form 1-10 kg/m2 areal density, and capable of achieving a packaging efficiency of 3-10 deployed/stowed diameter. RoboSiC™ is a “Mission Agnostic” solution for affordable, passively athermal opto-mechanical structures (trusses, booms, hinges, bolts, actuators, strongbacks, whiffle trees, optical benches, etc.) required by the Habitable Exoplanet Explorer, Large UV/Optical/IR Surveyor, and Origins Space Telescope (HabEX, LUVOIR, OST) and gravity wave missions. Goodman Technologies (GT) 3D printed and additively manufactured (AM) nanoceramic composite provides low areal density (4-5 kg/m2), has no coefficient of moisture expansion (unlike M55J/954-6), and can be used to perform active precision adjustment. On NASA Phase I SBIR Contract # 80NSSC18P2058 GT produced a 3D/AM truss and created a plan to cryotest a 1.2-m Pathfinder Truss with nanoceramic hinges that can be later scaled to >2.4m and tested at NASA MSFC.