Presentation + Paper
12 March 2021 Monte Carlo (MC) study of dose distribution and Cherenkov imaging in total skin electron therapy (TSET) with TOPAS
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Malignant tissues can be effectively treated by Total Skin Electron Therapy (TSET) over the entire body surface using 6 MeV electron beams. During the radiation treatment, Cherenkov photons are emitted from the patient’s skin, and can potentially be used for in-vivo imaging of the radiation dose distribution. A Monte Carlo (MC) simulation toolkit TOPAS is used to study the generation and propagation of Cherenkov photons that are generated from the interaction of electron radiation with human tissues, and to understand the relationship between the dose distributions and the Cherenkov photon distributions. Validation of MC simulations with experiments are performed at 100 SSD and 500 SSD, and simulations of a patient phantom in realistic clinical treatment setups have been done. These simulations with TOPAS show that the emitted Cherenkov distributions at phantom surfaces closely follow their corresponding dose distributions.
Conference Presentation
© (2021) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Weili Zhong, Yi Hong Ong, and Timothy C. Zhu "Monte Carlo (MC) study of dose distribution and Cherenkov imaging in total skin electron therapy (TSET) with TOPAS", Proc. SPIE 11628, Mechanisms and Techniques in Photodynamic Therapy and Photobiomodulation, 116280S (12 March 2021);
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