Poster + Paper
19 December 2022 Improved SVD-SSDA on Spark for real-time subway train tracking based on ultra-weak FBG arrays
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Conference Poster
Tracking and ensuring the safety of trains is an important issue in subway operation management. Under the long-distance monitoring requirements, extracting features in real-time from large-scale stream data to track trains is a large and time-consuming task. With the support of the dynamic and distributed monitoring capabilities of ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating (UWFBG) arrays, this paper proposes a method combining the singular value decomposition (SVD) and the sequential similarity detection algorithm (SSDA) to handle the stream data to track trains in real-time. First, the vibration signal is denoised and is converted into a grayscale image using sliding window. Then, to improve the efficiency of recognition, the singular value features and the texture features are combined to build a template library for gray-scale image matching on the basis of SVD and SSDA. The details of SVD-SSDA deployment on Spark are illustrated to ensure real-time performance. Finally, the experimental results on the actual train data indicate that SVD-SSDA on Spark using ultra-weak FBG arrays can effectively identify the data stream and satisfy the requirements for real-time train tracking.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Fang Liu, Yu Xie, Biao Xu, Yu Lei, and Honghai Wang "Improved SVD-SSDA on Spark for real-time subway train tracking based on ultra-weak FBG arrays", Proc. SPIE 12321, Advanced Sensor Systems and Applications XII, 1232119 (19 December 2022);
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Data processing

Fiber Bragg gratings

Detection and tracking algorithms

Data modeling

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