Polarization-Entangled Photon Sources (EPS) are an important enabling technology in the fields of quantum sensing, quantum communication, and quantum computing. Recently, a need has arisen for efficient sources of entangled photons with high brightness and phase stability, for use in free space and fiber-based quantum communication links. In this work, we present a prototype of EPS based on commercial bulk opto-mechanical components, generating photon pairs via type-0 parametric down-conversion (SPDC). The source is configured in a linear interferometer, where a dual beam displacement is performed by symmetrically disposed birefringent components. The pairs emission can be prepared as an N00N state for quantum sensing, or as a Bell state for entanglement-based Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols. We show a maximal Bell inequality violation, on ⪆99% average visibility, proving the high quality of the generated entanglement. The unique geometry of this interferometer is intrinsically symmetric, thus completely removing any temporal walk-off and decoherence between the two components of the Bell state and enhancing its suitability for various on-field quantum applications.