20 July 2024 Designs and novel architectures for Narrowband Integral Field Spectrographs (NB-IFS) for astrophysics
David Schiminovich, Nicole D. Melso, Ignacio Cevallos-Aleman, Meghna Sitaram
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Narrowband integral field spectrographs (NB-IFS)—capable of obtaining simultaneous, moderate to high-resolution spectra over a wide and continuous field of view, and within a constrained pass-band—represent a relatively new class of UV-visible astronomical instrumentation. With its exquisite low surface brightness sensitivity, the NB-IFS is optimal for velocity-resolved, emission-line mapping of a wide range of extended astrophysical phenomena. We have recently deployed CHaS, the Circumgalactic H-alpha Spectrograph on the MDM 2.4m Hiltner telescope on Kitt Peak, AZ, and are currently developing new NB-IFS concepts for ground- and space-based applications. We present here a generalized framework for designing, optimizing and assessing the optomechanical designs of NB-IFS over a broad range of scales, architectures, and capabilities. We also present a suite of novel architectures that highlight the differing ways that astrophotonics, metasurfaces, proposed detector technologies and image processing techniques will continue to advance NB-IFS capabilities over the coming decade.
Conference Presentation
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David Schiminovich, Nicole D. Melso, Ignacio Cevallos-Aleman, and Meghna Sitaram "Designs and novel architectures for Narrowband Integral Field Spectrographs (NB-IFS) for astrophysics", Proc. SPIE 13096, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy X, 1309621 (20 July 2024);
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