A mathematical model has been developed to assess the performance of different multi-sensor systems for maritime targeting applications. This model simulates the performance of two imaging cameras (visible band and infrared) together with an RF sensor. Time-dependent sensor data streams are generated, and salient target detection information is extracted using a data fusion architecture, the output of which gives closed-loop guidance commands for use within an engagement trajectory model. Gaining confidence in the model was required at two levels. Firstly, there was the need to verify that the model was correctly implemented and, secondly, the validation of the model predictions against the anticipated behaviour of a real system. To achieve the required level of confidence, a Test, Verification, and Validation (TV&V) framework was developed based around sensitivity analysis. The sensitivity analysis used single and multiple parameter variations in either defined steps or else with random values within a Monte-Carlo engagement. Multiple parameter variation was found to be particularly effective in determining issues within both the implemented model and the efficacy of the proposed system design. To visualise large volumes of data, various methods were examined, with the presentation in a time-varying polar plot form being considered the most effective.