28 July 1994 Method of holographically constructing low-aberration diffraction lenses on planar waveguide
Lyudmila I. Konopaltseva, A. N. Goncharuk, I. I. Dombrovskii, Ilary M. Rarenko
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Diffraction lenses, formed on a surface of an optical waveguide (WDL), are important elements for a number of integrated optic devices as waveguide lenses and couplers. Such lenses can be fabricated by the electron beam lithography. The WDL can be constructed also by using a more simple method of holographic techniques with bulk beams. A key feature is that during use, at least one light wave (reconstruction wave) propagates as waveguide mode: parallel to the WDL and with nonunity index of refraction n(omicron ) ($AP1,5). Additionally, the end-use wavelength (lambda) -$R) ($AP800 nm) differs from the construction wavelength (lambda) -$C) ($AP480 nm). Due to these features, aberrations exist in the image wave. We propose a method for recording WDL, that allows one to create aberration- free diffraction lenses if image wave is propagated in the waveguide. In the other case, when image wave is propagated in the air, the method provides an opportunity to compensate the aberrations using convex-plano spherical lenses in the object wave.
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Lyudmila I. Konopaltseva, A. N. Goncharuk, I. I. Dombrovskii, and Ilary M. Rarenko "Method of holographically constructing low-aberration diffraction lenses on planar waveguide", Proc. SPIE 2213, Nanofabrication Technologies and Device Integration, (28 July 1994);
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Planar waveguides

Wave propagation


Spherical lenses

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