16 September 1994 New advanced Fourier telescope for hard x-ray imaging of the sun
Jonathan W. Campbell, Heather B. Stephens
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Hard x-rays (10-500 keV) are produced by cosmic sources such as the Crab nebula and solar flares. Imaging these x-rays will allow insight into the processes at work in these energetic sources. Presently, a Fourier telescope design is flying on the Japanese Solar-A satellite providing hard x-ray images of the Sun, and Fourier designs are being considered for the next generation of high energy observing instruments (e.g., High Energy Solar Physics (HESP)). Current solar flare theoretical literature indicates a desire for spatial resolutions down to 1 arcsecond, fields of view greater than the full solar disk (i.e., 32 arcminutes), and temporal resolutions down to 1 second. Although the Sun typically provides relatively high flux levels, the requirement for 1 second temporal resolution raises a question about the viability of Fourier telescopes subject to the aforementioned constraints. Given sufficient sensitive areas, Fourier telescopes are promising concepts for imaging solar hard x-rays. In keeping with this new era of better, faster, cheaper space science missions, a new, virtual grid Fourier telescope approach is discussed. Given an appropriate detector configuration (i.e., 1D imaging detector), one grid may be eliminated completely from this new telescope. For gamma ray and perhaps hard x-ray imaging, this simplification should prove very useful especially in this new era of smaller space science missions.
© (1994) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jonathan W. Campbell and Heather B. Stephens "New advanced Fourier telescope for hard x-ray imaging of the sun", Proc. SPIE 2280, EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy V, (16 September 1994);
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Space telescopes



Hard x-rays

Solar energy


Solar processes


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