25 April 1997 3D nonlinear registration algorithm for brain SPECT imaging within the Talairach reference system
Jean Meunier, Bernard Imbert, Christian Janicki, Alexandre Guimond, Jean-Paul Soucy
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The comparison of SPECT volumes requires their accurate registration. For this purpose, we present a non-linear registration method for SPECT brain studies that is independent of any other imaging modalities or head fixation devices. The registration of two brain SPECT volumes is carried out in two main steps. First the SPECT volumes must be aligned along a unique coordinate system; in this study, the standard Talairach and Tournoux's reference system is adopted. Second, a 'fine tuning' registration is needed to better take to account individual brain sizes and morphologies. In order to validate the algorithm quantitatively, a set of 64 X 64 SPECT Monte-Carlo simulations were produced with numerical brain phantoms as input, obtained from segmented MRI brain images. The intercomisural line which defines the main axis of the Talairach and Tournoux's reference system was detected accurately in both position and angulation with errors typically less than 0.15 pixel and 2.5 degrees respectively. As for the second step, results show that an optical flow approach can be used successfully to match precisely two brains and that a difference map can be computed at the same time for statistical inference with RMS differences being essentially due to noise or activity differences peculiar to each brains.
© (1997) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jean Meunier, Bernard Imbert, Christian Janicki, Alexandre Guimond, and Jean-Paul Soucy "3D nonlinear registration algorithm for brain SPECT imaging within the Talairach reference system", Proc. SPIE 3034, Medical Imaging 1997: Image Processing, (25 April 1997); Logo
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Single photon emission computed tomography

Image registration


Optical flow

Monte Carlo methods

Image segmentation

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