14 September 1998 High-power waveguide lasers
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During the past few years high power lasers which incorporate intracavity optical waveguiding have been demonstrated in a number of different geometric formats. These include rectangular planar waveguide structures, two-dimensional multi-element waveguide array lasers and annular waveguide devices, all of which depend crucially on the operational flexibility of the transverse radiofrequency excitation technique. Here, we review the fundamental issues which underlie the attractions of the use of waveguiding structures in the design and construction of ultracompact, diffusion- cooled lasers which are efficient and operate at high average power levels. In particular, we review the properties of large area discharge planar waveguide CO2/CO lasers, where multi-kilowatt cw power levels have been demonstrated with excellent beam quality and efficiency. It is shown that similar concepts may also be applied to solid state lasers. In addition, the use of the multi-element array concept for high power scaling will be examined, and the operating characteristics of an ultra-compact 64 (4 X 16) element array laser operating at 2 kW cw output power will be described.
© (1998) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Denis R. Hall and Howard J. Baker "High-power waveguide lasers", Proc. SPIE 3343, High-Power Laser Ablation, (14 September 1998);
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Waveguide lasers


High power lasers

Carbon dioxide lasers


Gas lasers

Semiconductor lasers


Diffusion-cooled large surface area CO2/CO lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (March 31 1995)
Four-channel structures 2x2 for selected gas lasers
Proceedings of SPIE (November 10 2003)
New structure of the high-power miniwaveguide CO2 laser
Proceedings of SPIE (September 08 1999)
A feasible concept for a 100 kW cw CO2 laser...
Proceedings of SPIE (September 20 2004)
High-power CO2 waveguide laser of the 1-kW category
Proceedings of SPIE (October 01 1990)

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