25 April 2000 Evaluation of image quality of a new CCD-based system for chest imaging
Patrik Sund, Susanne Kheddache, Lars Gunnar Mansson, Magnus Bath, Ulf Tylen
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The Imix radiography system (Qy Imix Ab, Finland)consists of an intensifying screen, optics, and a CCD camera. An upgrade of this system (Imix 2000) with a red-emitting screen and new optics has recently been released. The image quality of Imix (original version), Imix 200, and two storage-phosphor systems, Fuji FCR 9501 and Agfa ADC70 was evaluated in physical terms (DQE) and with visual grading of the visibility of anatomical structures in clinical images (141 kV). PA chest images of 50 healthy volunteers were evaluated by experienced radiologists. All images were evaluated on Siemens Simomed monitors, using the European Quality Criteria. The maximum DQE values for Imix, Imix 2000, Agfa and Fuji were 11%, 14%, 17% and 19%, respectively (141kV, 5μGy). Using the visual grading, the observers rated the systems in the following descending order. Fuji, Imix 2000, Agfa, and Imix. Thus, the upgrade to Imix 2000 resulted in higher DQE values and a significant improvement in clinical image quality. The visual grading agrees reasonably well with the DQE results; however, Imix 2000 received a better score than what could be expected from the DQE measurements. Keywords: CCD Technique, Chest Imaging, Digital Radiography, DQE, Image Quality, Visual Grading Analysis
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Patrik Sund, Susanne Kheddache, Lars Gunnar Mansson, Magnus Bath, and Ulf Tylen "Evaluation of image quality of a new CCD-based system for chest imaging", Proc. SPIE 3977, Medical Imaging 2000: Physics of Medical Imaging, (25 April 2000); Logo
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Image quality


Signal to noise ratio


Chest imaging

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