27 March 2000 VLTI pupil transfer: variable curvature mirrors: I. Final results and performances and interferometric laboratory optical layout
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The pupil transfer, from the individual telescopes to the interferometric laboratory, is an unique feature of the VLT Interferometer allowing to have a 2 arcsec interferometric field available at the instruments entrance. This capability is the result of a careful analysis pursued from the very beginning of the VLTI until today in the interferometric laboratory layout. For this goal it has been necessary to develop a new optical device, the Variable Curvature Mirror (VCM), and also to design all the optical systems located after the delay-lines, as the beam compressors for instance, according to these interferometric field-of-view and pupil transfer requirements. This pupil transfer and the role/design of the various optical systems are presented for the major configurations of the VLTI. A special section is dedicated to the VCM system as this component is the most critical one and required special studies, using large deformation theory of elasticity, and advanced techniques in optical fabrication. The final performances of the VCM are reviewed. As these performances had an important influence ont he design of the other systems in the interferometric laboratory, the trade-off between the instruments requirements and the VCM capabilities is presented.
© (2000) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Marc Ferrari, Gerard R. Lemaitre, Silvio P. Mazzanti, Patrick Lanzoni, Frederic Derie, Philippe B. Gitton, and Serge Menardi "VLTI pupil transfer: variable curvature mirrors: I. Final results and performances and interferometric laboratory optical layout", Proc. SPIE 4006, Interferometry in Optical Astronomy, (27 March 2000); Logo
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