7 March 2006 Characterization of MEMS microgears rotating up to 360,000 rpm by stroboscopic optoelectronic laser interferometry microscope (SOELIM) methodology
Gordon C. Brown, Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz, Maarten P. DeBoer, Samuel L. Miller
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We have developed a new stroboscopic optoelectronic laser interferometry microscope (SOLEIM) methodology for rapid characterization of MEMS’ motion dynamics. Specifically, stroboscopic interferometric measurements of out-of-plane motions have been made on microengine components. In particular, measurements are presented for two microgears having 64 and 300 µm nominal diameters. These measurements are built on coherent light interferometry and phase shifting methods for whole field analysis. The microgears analyzed for this paper were rotated at speeds up to 360,000 rpm. In order for the most accurate measurement to be made, the strobe action must be a small fraction of the rotation cycle. The present system uses an AOM to strobe the light. The AOM has a rise time of about 5 nsec, and the electronic driver has a lower limit of 1 µsec for the “on” time of the strobe. In real terms, this limits, at the present time, our ability to freeze the rotational motion to a range of about 2.1° at 360,000 rpm. The range of out-of-plane motion is “controlled” by the gear-edge to substrate contact, approximately 1100 nm and 540 nm for the small and large gears, respectively. A new methodology was developed for measuring shape changes of rotating micro devices. This methodology permits quantitative and qualitative real-time whole field imaging, and provides capabilities for experimental determination of physical quantities such as out-ofplane displacements/tilts, or changes in shape, of high-speed micro devices.
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Gordon C. Brown, Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz, Maarten P. DeBoer, and Samuel L. Miller "Characterization of MEMS microgears rotating up to 360,000 rpm by stroboscopic optoelectronic laser interferometry microscope (SOELIM) methodology", Proc. SPIE 4101, Laser Interferometry X: Techniques and Analysis, (7 March 2006);
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Microelectromechanical systems

Laser interferometry

Beam splitters


Bragg cells



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