6 June 2002 Distance learning: a discussion of the implementation of a graduate course of study using various on-line technologies
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Proceedings Volume 4421, 9th Congress of the International Colour Association; (2002)
Event: 9th Congress of the International Color Association, 2001, Rochester, NY, United States
This past fall the Center for Imaging Science initiated a distance learning option for its Masters Degree in Imaging Science. This program is identical to the local version of the degree except for th fact that students take the course at a distance. Initially, the program offered a specialization track in Color Imaging but now the program includes Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing tracks. My course, Vision & Psychophysics, was one of the first courses to go online. The model we have used for this endeavor is an asynchronous one; students may take the courses anywhere and learn on their own schedule. Judging by the experience of the instructors and the feedback form our students, we feel that this endeavor has been a success. In this paper I will describe my experience in designing implementing, and teaching a distance-learning course. The goal is to facilitate others who may be considering teaching in this way by sharing my limited experience.
© (2002) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ethan D. Montag "Distance learning: a discussion of the implementation of a graduate course of study using various on-line technologies", Proc. SPIE 4421, 9th Congress of the International Colour Association, (6 June 2002);
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