1 August 2003 Compressed-domain processing for wide-format printing application
Cedric Sibade, Laurent Perroton, Mohamed Akil, Stephane Barizien
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Proceedings Volume 4948, 25th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics; (2003)
Event: 25th international Congress on High-Speed photography and Photonics, 2002, Beaune, France
Digital image processing algorithms are usually designed for the raw format, that is on an uncompressed representation of the image. Therefore prior to transforming or processing a compressed format, decompression is applied; then, the result of the processing application is finally re-compressed for further transfer or storage. The change of data representation is resource-consuming in terms of computation, time and memory usage. In the wide format printing industry, this problem becomes an important issue: e.g. a 1 m2 input color image, scanned at 600 dpi exceeds 1.6 GB in its raw representation. However, some image processing algorithms can be performed in the compressed-domain, by applying an equivalent operation on the compressed format. We investigate the application of compression to the Wide Format Document management chain and more specifically to the image processing components. We survey the typical printing processing operations, such as rotation by multiple 90°, symmetry along vertical or horizontal axis or scaling in the JPEG compressed-domain.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Cedric Sibade, Laurent Perroton, Mohamed Akil, and Stephane Barizien "Compressed-domain processing for wide-format printing application", Proc. SPIE 4948, 25th International Congress on High-Speed Photography and Photonics, (1 August 2003);
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Image compression

Image processing


Computer programming

Digital image processing

Data storage



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