7 May 2003 Efficient segmentation of spatio-temporal data from simulations
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Proceedings Volume 5022, Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003; (2003)
Event: Electronic Imaging 2003, 2003, Santa Clara, CA, United States
Detecting and tracking objects in spatio-temporal datasets is an active research area with applications in many domains. A common approach is to segment the 2D frames in order to separate the objects of interest from the background, then estimate the motion of the objects and track them over time. Most existing algorithms assume that the objects to be tracked are rigid. In many scientific simulations, however, the objects of interest evolve over time and thus pose additional challenges for the segmentation and tracking tasks. We investigate efficient segmentation methods in the context of scientific simulation data. Instead of segmenting each frame separately, we propose an incremental approach which incorporates the segmentation result from the previous time frame when segmenting the data at the current time frame. We start with the simple K-means method, then we study more complicated segmentation techniques based on Markov random fields. We compare the incremental methods to the corresponding sequential ones both in terms of the quality of the results, as well as computational complexity.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Imola K. Fodor and Chandrika Kamath "Efficient segmentation of spatio-temporal data from simulations", Proc. SPIE 5022, Image and Video Communications and Processing 2003, (7 May 2003);
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Image segmentation

Magnetorheological finishing


Computer simulations

Evolutionary algorithms

Image processing algorithms and systems

Motion estimation

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