30 September 2003 A visual servoing method for high-precision chip mounting technology
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Proceedings Volume 5264, Optomechatronic Systems IV; (2003)
Event: Photonics Technologies for Robotics, Automation, and Manufacturing, 2003, Providence, RI, United States
This paper presents a visual servoing methodology to realize a vision-based chip mounting, which makes it possible to mount micro chips to PCB with high precision. Because of continued down-sizing of electronic products, density of electronic parts to be packed into PCBs is ever getting higher and higher, thus requiring surface mounting technologies (SMT) to be more precise and productive. Down-sizing also tends toward miniaturization of components. The increased package density and component miniaturization require not only delicate handling of small chips but also delicate placement of them on PCBs. In order to place the small chips on the pattern of PCB, highly accurate mounting process is ultimately required. This is because it is difficult to place the chips a specified position with tiny small contact force due to uncertainty involved with the kinematic calibration error of the mounter and the deformation of PCB. In this paper, to avoid this difficulty we propose a visual servoing method for the chip mounting system. In such a way, the proposed visual servoing technique guarantees that chips are accurately placed at the desired positions. To achieve this, a CCD camera views the chip mounted with the mark on PCB simultaneously, and then the edge features and corner features are extracted from the acquired image. The proposed visual servoing algorithm generates the motion of the mounter to align the features of the chip with the ones of the mark on PCB on-line. The result obtained from real time experiment is discussed from the view points of practicality of the proposed method.
© (2003) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Duk-Young Lee, Kyung-Nam Jang, and Hyungsuck Cho "A visual servoing method for high-precision chip mounting technology", Proc. SPIE 5264, Optomechatronic Systems IV, (30 September 2003); Logo
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