1 September 2004 Machine vision applied to navigation of confined spaces
Jeri M. Briscoe, David J. Broderick, Richard T. Howard, Eric L. Corder
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The reliability of space related assets has been emphasized after the second loss of a Space Shuttle. The intricate nature of the hardware being inspected often requires a complete disassembly to perform a thorough inspection which can be difficult as well as costly. Furthermore, it is imperative that the hardware under inspection not be altered in any other manner than that which is intended. In these cases the use of machine vision can allow for inspection with greater frequency using less intrusive methods. Such systems can provide feedback to guide, not only manually controlled instrumentation, but autonomous robotic platforms as well. This paper serves to detail a method using machine vision to provide such sensing capabilities in a compact package. A single camera is used in conjunction with a projected reference grid to ascertain precise distance measurements. The design of the sensor focuses on the use of conventional components in an unconventional manner with the goal of providing a solution for systems that do not require or cannot accommodate more complex vision systems.
© (2004) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jeri M. Briscoe, David J. Broderick, Richard T. Howard, and Eric L. Corder "Machine vision applied to navigation of confined spaces", Proc. SPIE 5418, Spaceborne Sensors, (1 September 2004);
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