18 April 2005 Advanced wavefront correction technology for the next generation of adaptive optics equipped ophthalmic instrumentation
Nathan Doble, Michael Helmbrecht
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Adaptive optics (AO) is becoming increasingly important in improving system resolution in flood illuminated fundus cameras, confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscopes (cSLO) and optical coherence tomography (OCT). For the latter two cases, AO also provides an increase in the throughput light levels. The flood and cSLO modalities have allowed for the routine, in-vivo visualization of individual cone photoreceptor cells and real time blood flow measurements of single leukocyte cells. Most recently, evidence of the rod mosaic has also been observed. A key component in all of these systems is the deformable mirror (DM) that provides the correction of the high order aberrations. The majority of these systems to-date have utilized large, expensive DMs originally designed for astronomy. This paper details ongoing work at Iris AO, Inc in which advanced fabrication techniques based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) are being leveraged. This approach yields extremely compact DMs that offer higher performance and lower cost, coupled with the ability for batch fabrication. The Iris AO design uses an array of individually addressable hexagonal segments than can each be moved in three orthogonal directions. Such a design allows for superior ocular wavefront fitting performance and very high stroke (>10 microns). Additionally, our DMs can be fabricated with diameters that are an order of magnitude smaller than conventional non-MEMS techniques.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Nathan Doble and Michael Helmbrecht "Advanced wavefront correction technology for the next generation of adaptive optics equipped ophthalmic instrumentation", Proc. SPIE 5688, Ophthalmic Technologies XV, (18 April 2005); Logo
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Adaptive optics


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