12 April 2005 Geometric modeling of space-optimal unit-cell-based tissue engineering scaffolds
Srinivasan Rajagopalan, Lichun Lu, Michael J. Yaszemski, Richard A. Robb
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Tissue engineering involves regenerating damaged or malfunctioning organs using cells, biomolecules, and synthetic or natural scaffolds. Based on their intended roles, scaffolds can be injected as space-fillers or be preformed and implanted to provide mechanical support. Preformed scaffolds are biomimetic "trellis-like" structures which, on implantation and integration, act as tissue/organ surrogates. Customized, computer controlled, and reproducible preformed scaffolds can be fabricated using Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques and rapid prototyping devices. A curved, monolithic construct with minimal surface area constitutes an efficient substrate geometry that promotes cell attachment, migration and proliferation. However, current CAD approaches do not provide such a biomorphic construct. We address this critical issue by presenting one of the very first physical realizations of minimal surfaces towards the construction of efficient unit-cell based tissue engineering scaffolds. Mask programmability, and optimal packing density of triply periodic minimal surfaces are used to construct the optimal pore geometry. Budgeted polygonization, and progressive minimal surface refinement facilitate the machinability of these surfaces. The efficient stress distributions, as deduced from the Finite Element simulations, favor the use of these scaffolds for orthopedic applications.
© (2005) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Srinivasan Rajagopalan, Lichun Lu, Michael J. Yaszemski, and Richard A. Robb "Geometric modeling of space-optimal unit-cell-based tissue engineering scaffolds", Proc. SPIE 5744, Medical Imaging 2005: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display, (12 April 2005);
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Natural surfaces


Tissue engineering

Rapid manufacturing


Computer aided diagnosis and therapy


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