18 April 2006 The design and application of data warehouse during modern enterprises environment
Lijuan Zhou, Chi Liu, Chunying Wang
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The interest in analyzing data has grown tremendously in recent years. To analyze data, a multitude of technologies is need, namely technologies from the fields of Data Warehouse, Data Mining, On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP). This paper proposes the system structure model of the data warehouse during modern enterprises environment according to the information demand for enterprises and the actual demand of user's, and also analyses the benefit of this kind of model in practical application, and provides the setting-up course of the data warehouse model. At the same time it has proposes the total design plans of the data warehouses of modern enterprises. The data warehouse that we build in practical application can be offered: high performance of queries; efficiency of the data; independent characteristic of logical and physical data. In addition, A Data Warehouse contains lots of materialized views over the data provided by the distributed heterogeneous databases for the purpose of efficiently implementing decision-support, OLAP queries or data mining. One of the most important decisions in designing a data warehouse is selection of right views to be materialized. In this paper, we also have designed algorithms for selecting a set of views to be materialized in a data warehouse.First, we give the algorithms for selecting materialized views. Then we use experiments do demonstrate the power of our approach. The results show the proposed algorithm delivers an optimal solution. Finally, we discuss the advantage and shortcoming of our approach and future work.
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Lijuan Zhou, Chi Liu, and Chunying Wang "The design and application of data warehouse during modern enterprises environment", Proc. SPIE 6241, Data Mining, Intrusion Detection, Information Assurance, and Data Networks Security 2006, 624110 (18 April 2006); Logo
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