27 June 2006 Disks around young stars with VLTI/MIDI
Roy van Boekel, Péter Ábrahám, Serge Correia, Alex de Koter, Carsten Dominik, Anne Dutrey, Thomas Henning, Ágnes Kóspál, Régis Lachaume, Christoph Leinert, Hendrik Linz, Michiel Min, László Mosoni, Thomas Preibisch, Sascha Quanz, Thorsten Ratzka, Alexander Schegerer, Rens Waters, Sebastian Wolf, Hans Zinnecker
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We report on observations of circumstellar disks around young stars that have been obtained with the MIDI instrument, which is mounted on the VLT Interferometer and operates in the 10 μm atmospheric window. The maximum spatial resolution of 5 milli-arcsec corresponds to sub-AU scales at the distance to nearby star formation regions. Thus, we can study the disks on the spatial scales at which important processes occur, such as accretion, dust processing, and planet formation. The main results obtained so far can be summarized as follows: 1. The measured interferometric visibilities are in good qualitative agreement with those predicted by models of circumstellar disks. In particular, a predicted correlation between the strength of the far-infrared excess and the spatial structure of the disk is confirmed by direct measurements; 2. In several objects strong evidence for deviations from circular symmetry is present, indicating that an inclined disk is indeed the dominant component seen in the mid-infrared; 3. The dust properties are not uniform over the disk, but are instead a strong function of distance to the central star. The dust in the innermost disk regions is observed to be more "processed" than the dust further out, both in Herbig Ae star disks and in those around T Tauri stars.
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Roy van Boekel, Péter Ábrahám, Serge Correia, Alex de Koter, Carsten Dominik, Anne Dutrey, Thomas Henning, Ágnes Kóspál, Régis Lachaume, Christoph Leinert, Hendrik Linz, Michiel Min, László Mosoni, Thomas Preibisch, Sascha Quanz, Thorsten Ratzka, Alexander Schegerer, Rens Waters, Sebastian Wolf, and Hans Zinnecker "Disks around young stars with VLTI/MIDI", Proc. SPIE 6268, Advances in Stellar Interferometry, 62680D (27 June 2006); Logo
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