8 February 2008 Optical design of 4-channel TOSA/ROSA for CWDM applications
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In this paper, the optical design of 4-channel WDM Transmission Optical Subassemblies (TOSA)/Receiver Optical Subassemblies (ROSA) is reported. The TOSA and ROSA are being developed for uncooled modules for CWDM applications and are compatible with the SFP/SFF form factor TOSA and ROSA. The physical dimension of OSA together with the electronic circuitries is limited to 10×6×5 mm3. The designs of TOSA and ROSA are employed using four thin film filters (TFFs) to select the specific channel wavelength, four 500 μm ball lenses, one 2.5 mm ball lens and a high reflection mirror using folded optical configuration. The optical elements are to be assembled on a SiOB, except the 2.5 mm ball lens. The simulation results are used to estimate the required optical components assembly accuracy. Based on the simulation results, the tolerance requirement for tilting the mirror and first thin film filter is approximately ± 0.2° for the longest optical path namely Channel 4.
© (2008) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Geri E. Tangdiongga, Teck Guan Lim, Jing Li, Chee Wei Tan, Pamidighantam V. Ramana, Yi Yoon Chai, Seiji Maruo, and John Hon-Shing Lau "Optical design of 4-channel TOSA/ROSA for CWDM applications", Proc. SPIE 6899, Photonics Packaging, Integration, and Interconnects VIII, 68990I (8 February 2008); Logo
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Channel projecting optics


Optical components

Coarse wavelength division multiplexing

Optical filters

Thin films

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