19 May 2008 Improvement of position accuracy in mask-writing electron beam lithography with a multi-pass writing strategy for reducing position errors due to resist charging
Noriyuki Kobayashi, Kazuya Goto, Tetsuro Wakatsuki, Tadashi Komagata, Yasutoshi Nakagawa
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This paper presents an experimental study of resist charging of mask blanks written with a variable shaped electron beam mask writer. Experiments were performed at a current density of 40 A/cm2 on mask blanks with a chemically amplified resist. Test patterns were written to examine the magnitude of the pattern shift due to resist charging and the distance within which the pattern shift is significant. To reduce the pattern shift due to resist charging, furthermore, similar test patterns were written with a two-pass scanning in which both horizontal and vertical scanning directions are different between the two passes. With this writing method, the pattern shift was successfully reduced to about half.
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Noriyuki Kobayashi, Kazuya Goto, Tetsuro Wakatsuki, Tadashi Komagata, and Yasutoshi Nakagawa "Improvement of position accuracy in mask-writing electron beam lithography with a multi-pass writing strategy for reducing position errors due to resist charging", Proc. SPIE 7028, Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology XV, 70281Y (19 May 2008); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Electron beams

Electron beam lithography

Raster graphics

Mask making

Chemically amplified resists

Double patterning technology

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