30 October 2009 A distributed parallel processing method for ortho-rectifying satellite imagery
Haibin Ai, Yinxia Yu
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Proceedings Volume 7497, MIPPR 2009: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques; 749709 (2009)
Event: Sixth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, 2009, Yichang, China
The development of Digital Photogrammetric System is forward to distributed and parallel processing. There are many researches on distributed and parallel Digital Photogrammetry System and a lot of researches are carried out on High Performance Computing systems (i.e. Blade). But there are few distributed and parallel research performed in the context of PC clusters. According to the principles of distributed systems, a middleware-based distributed system of orthorectification for high resolution satellite imagery is proposed in the context of PC clusters. The paper emphasizes the descriptions of the components in the system and discusses the corresponding strategies of task scheduling and performance in the module. The feasibility of the system is proved in the practice.
© (2009) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Haibin Ai and Yinxia Yu "A distributed parallel processing method for ortho-rectifying satellite imagery", Proc. SPIE 7497, MIPPR 2009: Medical Imaging, Parallel Processing of Images, and Optimization Techniques, 749709 (30 October 2009);
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Computing systems

Parallel processing


Earth observing sensors

Distributed computing

Satellite imaging

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