2 March 2010 Perfusion measures from dynamic ICG scanning laser ophthalmoscopy
Sean Larkin, Alessandro Invernizzi, David Beecher, Giovanni Staurenghi, Tim Holmes
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Proceedings Volume 7550, Ophthalmic Technologies XX; 75500H (2010)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2010, San Francisco, California, United States
Movies acquired from fundus imaging using Indocyanine Green (ICG) and a scanning laser ophthalmoscope provide information for identifying vascular and other retinal abnormalities. Today, the main limitation of this modality is that it requires esoteric training for interpretation. A straightforward interpretation of these movies by objective measurements would aid in eliminating this training barrier. A software program has been developed and tested that produces and visualizes 2D maps of perfusion measures. The program corrects for frame-to-frame misalignment caused by eye motion, including rigid misalignment and warp. The alignment method uses a cross-correlation operation that automatically detects the distance due to motion between adjacent frames. The d-ICG movie is further corrected by removing flicker and vignetting artifacts. Each pixel in the corrected movie sequence is fit with a least-squares spline to yield a smooth intensity temporal profile. From the dynamics of these intensity curves, several perfusion measures are calculated. The most effective of these measures include a metric that represents the amount of time required for a vessel to fill with dye, a metric that represents the diffusion of dye, and a metric that is affected by local blood volume. These metrics are calculated from movies acquired before and after treatment for a neovascular condition. A comparison of these before and after measures may someday provide information to the clinician that helps them to evaluate disease progression and response to treatment.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Sean Larkin, Alessandro Invernizzi, David Beecher, Giovanni Staurenghi, and Tim Holmes "Perfusion measures from dynamic ICG scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", Proc. SPIE 7550, Ophthalmic Technologies XX, 75500H (2 March 2010); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications and 2 patents.
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Image processing

Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy

Blood circulation

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