12 March 2010 Application of external tracking in ultrasound elasticity imaging
Pezhman Foroughi, Gregory D. Hager, Frank K. Wacker, Emad M. Boctor
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Despite the success of ultrasound elasticity imaging (USEI) in medical applications such as diagnosis and screening of breast lesions and prostate cancer, USEI has not been adopted in routine clinical procedures. This is partly caused by the difficulty in acquiring reliable images and interpreting them, the lack of consistency over time, and the dependency of image quality to the expertise of the user. We previously demonstrated the potential of exploiting an external tracker to partially alleviate these issues and enhance the quality of USEI. The tracking data enabled fast and automatic selection of pairs of RF frames used in strain calculation. Here, we expand this method by including new features. The proposed method employs image content to compensate for the limited accuracy of the tracking device. It also combines multiple strain images to improve the quality of the final image. For this purpose, It normalizes the images and determines which images can be combined relying on the tracking information. We have acquired RF frames synchronized with tracking data from livers of pig containing an ablated region and a breast phantom using two different tracking devices; an optical tracker and a less accurate electromagnetic tracker. We present the promising results of the proposed method and investigate the sensitivity of frame selection technique without using the image content to inaccuracies in tracking information.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Pezhman Foroughi, Gregory D. Hager, Frank K. Wacker, and Emad M. Boctor "Application of external tracking in ultrasound elasticity imaging", Proc. SPIE 7629, Medical Imaging 2010: Ultrasonic Imaging, Tomography, and Therapy, 76291B (12 March 2010); Logo
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Signal to noise ratio

Optical tracking


Image fusion



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