17 November 2010 Resonant diffraction grating designed for beam splitting and color separation in Fresnel diffraction region
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A binary beam splitter and a color separation grating in Fresnel diffraction field are designed and analyzed by vector theory. The grating period of both gratings is around 1.5λ, in the range of λ to 2λ, to ensure three diffraction orders only. The diffraction behavior is analyzed by modal method, so that the field distributions of the propagating modes and the diffraction orders can be expressed. The first two even propagating modes are taken into account and the higher modes are neglected. Using the initial solutions given by the modal method, the exact design parameters can be obtained by RCWA without searching all the parameters. When the duty cycle is 0.5, the grating depth is 0.374μm and the beam splitting plane is chosen at 2.06μm, the energy efficiency of the 1:2 beam splitter with wavelength 0.6328μm is 64.3%. As the color separation grating for red color with wavelength 0.6328μm and blue color with wavelength 0.45μm, the color separation plane is chosen at 4.22μm. The energy efficiencies are 73.3% and 75.9% for red color and blue color respectively, and the color separation ratio is 0.9.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Yue Fang, Qiaofeng Tan, and Guofan Jin "Resonant diffraction grating designed for beam splitting and color separation in Fresnel diffraction region", Proc. SPIE 7848, Holography, Diffractive Optics, and Applications IV, 78481N (17 November 2010);
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Diffraction gratings

Beam splitters


Energy efficiency

Optical design

Near field diffraction

Binary data


Phase grating used in coherent laser beam summation
Proceedings of SPIE (August 07 1993)
Design of multiple-beam gratings for far-IR applications
Proceedings of SPIE (April 01 1991)
Use of evanescent waves in diffractive optics
Proceedings of SPIE (December 20 1996)

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