15 December 2010 New IR detectors with small pixel pitch and high operating temperature
David Billon-Lanfrey, Philippe Trinolet, Frédéric Pistone, Laurent Rubaldo, Hubert Huet
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More and more systems are requested to be more compact keeping constant system performances. One of the best approach is to reduce the pixel pitch of the IR detector while new technology improvements are carried out to improve the detector performance. The last developments at SOFRADIR / France for cooled IR detectors are following these trends. As a matter of fact, HgCdTe (Mercury Cadmium Telluride / MCT) staring arrays for infrared detection do show constant improvements regarding their compactness, by reducing the pixel pitch, and regarding performances. Among the new detectors, the family of 15 μm pixel pitch detectors is offering a mid-TV format (384 x 288), a TV format (640 x 512) and a HD-TV format (1280 x 1024). The latest development concerning the mid-TV format is performed according to very challenging specifications regarding compactness and low power consumption. Thanks to recent improvements, the MCT technology allows to operate detectors at higher temperature (HOT detectors), in order to save power consumption at system level. In parallel, the 15μm pitch permits to reach challenging density and spatial resolution. This Focal Plane Arrays (FPA) is proposed in different tactical dewars, corresponding to various systems solutions.
© (2010) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David Billon-Lanfrey, Philippe Trinolet, Frédéric Pistone, Laurent Rubaldo, and Hubert Huet "New IR detectors with small pixel pitch and high operating temperature", Proc. SPIE 7854, Infrared, Millimeter Wave, and Terahertz Technologies, 78540M (15 December 2010);
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Staring arrays

Medium wave

Modulation transfer functions

Infrared detectors

Spatial resolution

Nonuniformity corrections


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