17 February 2011 The usefulness of optical analyses for detecting vulnerable plaques using rabbit models
Kanji Nakai, Miya Ishihara, Satoko Kawauchi, Masashi Shiomi, Makoto Kikuchi, Tatsumi Kaji
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Purpose: Carotid artery stenting (CAS) has become a widely used option for treatment of carotid stenosis. Although technical improvements have led to a decrease in complications related to CAS, distal embolism continues to be a problem. The purpose of this research was to investigate the usefulness of optical methods (Time-Resolved Laser- Induced Fluorescence Spectroscopy [TR-LIFS] and reflection spectroscopy [RS] as diagnostic tools for assessment of vulnerable atherosclerotic lesions, using rabbit models of vulnerable plaque. Materials & Methods: Male Japanese white rabbits were divided into a high cholesterol diet group and a normal diet group. In addition, we used a Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbit, because we confirmed the reliability of our animal model for this study. Experiment 1: TR-LIFS. Fluorescence was induced using the third harmonic wave of a Q switch Nd:YAG laser. The TR-LIFS was performed using a photonic multi-channel analyzer with ICCD (wavelength range, 200 - 860 nm). Experiment 2: RS. Refection spectra in the wavelength range of 900 to 1700 nm were acquired using a spectrometer. Results: In the TR-LIFS, the wavelength at the peak was longer by plaque formation. The TR-LIFS method revealed a difference in peak levels between a normal aorta and a lipid-rich aorta. The RS method showed increased absorption from 1450 to 1500 nm for lipid-rich plaques. We observed absorption around 1200 nm due to lipid only in the WHHL group. Conclusion: These methods using optical analysis might be useful for diagnosis of vulnerable plaques. Keywords: Carotid artery stenting, vulnerable plaque, Time-Resolved Laser-Induced Fluorescence
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Kanji Nakai, Miya Ishihara, Satoko Kawauchi, Masashi Shiomi, Makoto Kikuchi, and Tatsumi Kaji "The usefulness of optical analyses for detecting vulnerable plaques using rabbit models", Proc. SPIE 7883, Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics VII, 78833O (17 February 2011);
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Reflectance spectroscopy

Fluorescence spectroscopy


Remote sensing



Optical analysis

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