15 April 2011 Characteristics of main chain decomposable STAR polymer for EUV resist
Jun Iwashita, Taku Hirayama, Isamu Takagi, Kensuke Matsuzawa, Kenta Suzuki, Sachiko Yoshizawa, Kenri Konno, Masahito Yahagi, Kazufumi Sato, Seiichi Tagawa, Kazuyuki Enomoto, Akihiro Oshima
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The concept of nonlinear acid diffusion coefficient would be emphasized to achieve better latent image quality, resulting in better lithographic performance. Focusing on realizing the concept, we previously reported about a main chain decomposable star shaped polymer (STAR polymer).STAR polymer consists of a core unit and several arm units which connect to the core unit with easily acid cleavable bonding. (Fig.1) The main chain decomposition system is ideal to achieve promoted acid diffusion at exposed area because it accompanies great molecular weight reduction at exposed area. The significance of the STAR system had been confirmed for partially protected poly(p-hydroxystyrene) (PHS) considering arm length and core structure. Employing p-hydroxy-α-methylstylene (PHOMS) for arm structure, novel STAR polymer with appropriate glass transition temperature (Tg) could be realized. (Fig.2) Poly PHOMS is known to undergo acid-catalyzed decomposition from the polymer end. Lithographic performance comparison between the STAR polymer and the linear polymer as a control using a Micro Exposure Tool (MET) would be exhibited. Thermal property change with exposure and dissolution charactersitic will be also discussed. Moreover main chain decomposition mechanism was investigated with flood EB irradiation.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jun Iwashita, Taku Hirayama, Isamu Takagi, Kensuke Matsuzawa, Kenta Suzuki, Sachiko Yoshizawa, Kenri Konno, Masahito Yahagi, Kazufumi Sato, Seiichi Tagawa, Kazuyuki Enomoto, and Akihiro Oshima "Characteristics of main chain decomposable STAR polymer for EUV resist", Proc. SPIE 7972, Advances in Resist Materials and Processing Technology XXVIII, 79720L (15 April 2011); Logo
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