28 September 2011 Flash imaging of fine structures of cellular organelles by contact x-ray microscopy with a high intensity laser plasma x-ray source
Masataka Kado, Masahiko Ishino, Maki Kishimoto, Satoshi Tamotsu, Keiko Yasuda, Yasuhito Kinjo, Kunio Shinohara
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X-ray flash imaging by contact microscopy with a highly intense laser-plasma x-ray source was achieved for the observation of wet biological cells. The exposure time to obtain a single x-ray image was about 600 ps as determined by the pulse duration of the driving laser pulse. The x-ray flash imaging makes it possible to capture an x-ray image of living biological cells without any artificial treatment such as staining, fixation, freezing, and so on. The biological cells were cultivated directly on the surface of the silicon nitride membranes, which are used for the x-ray microscope. Before exposing the cells to x-rays they were observed by a conventional fluorescent microscope as reference, since the fluorescent microscopes can visualize specific organelles stained with fluorescent dye. Comparing the x-ray images with the fluorescent images of the exact same cells, each cellular organelle observed in the x-ray images was identified one by one and actin filaments and mitochondria were clearly identified in the x-ray images.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Masataka Kado, Masahiko Ishino, Maki Kishimoto, Satoshi Tamotsu, Keiko Yasuda, Yasuhito Kinjo, and Kunio Shinohara "Flash imaging of fine structures of cellular organelles by contact x-ray microscopy with a high intensity laser plasma x-ray source", Proc. SPIE 8139, Advances in X-Ray/EUV Optics and Components VI, 81390O (28 September 2011);
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X-ray imaging




X-ray microscopy

X-ray sources


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