31 January 2012 Computer-based classification of bacteria species by analysis of their colonies Fresnel diffraction patterns
Agnieszka Suchwalko, Igor Buzalewicz, Halina Podbielska
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In the presented paper the optical system with converging spherical wave illumination for classification of bacteria species, is proposed. It allows for compression of the observation space, observation of Fresnel patterns, diffraction pattern scaling and low level of optical aberrations, which are not possessed by other optical configurations. Obtained experimental results have shown that colonies of specific bacteria species generate unique diffraction signatures. Analysis of Fresnel diffraction patterns of bacteria colonies can be fast and reliable method for classification and recognition of bacteria species. To determine the unique features of bacteria colonies diffraction patterns the image processing analysis was proposed. Classification can be performed by analyzing the spatial structure of diffraction patterns, which can be characterized by set of concentric rings. The characteristics of such rings depends on the bacteria species. In the paper, the influence of basic features and ring partitioning number on the bacteria classification, is analyzed. It is demonstrated that Fresnel patterns can be used for classification of following species: Salmonella enteritidis, Staplyococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis and Citrobacter freundii. Image processing is performed by free ImageJ software, for which a special macro with human interaction, was written. LDA classification, CV method, ANOVA and PCA visualizations preceded by image data extraction were conducted using the free software R.
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Agnieszka Suchwalko, Igor Buzalewicz, and Halina Podbielska "Computer-based classification of bacteria species by analysis of their colonies Fresnel diffraction patterns", Proc. SPIE 8212, Frontiers in Biological Detection: From Nanosensors to Systems IV, 82120R (31 January 2012); Logo
Cited by 11 scholarly publications and 1 patent.
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Image classification

Near field diffraction

Principal component analysis

Statistical analysis


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