29 November 2011 Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization for the synthesis of fibre Bragg gratings filter
Xuelian Yu, Yunxu Sun, Yong Yao, Jiajun Tian, Shan Cong
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Proceedings Volume 8307, Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices VIII; 83071P (2011)
Event: SPIE/OSA/IEEE Asia Communications and Photonics, 2011, Shanghai, China
A method based on the quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization algorithm is presented to design a bandpass filter of the fibre Bragg gratings. In contrast to the other optimization algorithms such as the genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization algorithm, this method is simpler and easier to implement. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the QPSO algorithm, we consider a bandpass filter. With the parameters the half the bandwidth of the filter 0.05 nm, the Bragg wavelength 1550 nm, the grating length with 2cm is divided into 40 uniform sections and its index modulation is what should be optimized and whole feasible solution space is searched for the index modulation. After the index modulation profile is known for all the sections, the transfer matrix method is used to verify the final optimal index modulation by calculating the refection spectrum. The results show the group delay is less than 12ps in band and the calculated dispersion is relatively flat inside the passband. It is further found that the reflective spectrum has sidelobes around -30dB and the worst in-band dispersion value is less than 200ps/nm . In addition, for this design, it takes approximately several minutes to find the acceptable index modulation values with a notebook computer.
© (2011) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xuelian Yu, Yunxu Sun, Yong Yao, Jiajun Tian, and Shan Cong "Quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization for the synthesis of fibre Bragg gratings filter", Proc. SPIE 8307, Passive Components and Fiber-Based Devices VIII, 83071P (29 November 2011); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Particle swarm optimization


Fiber Bragg gratings

Bandpass filters

Optical filters


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