17 February 2012 Simplified development of image-guided therapy software with MITK-IGT
A. M. Franz, A. Seitel, M. Servatius, C. Zöllner, I. Gergel, I. Wegner, J. Neuhaus, S. Zelzer, M. Nolden, J. Gaa, P. Mercea, K. Yung, C. M. Sommer, B. A. Radeleff, H.-P. Schlemmer, H.-U. Kauczor, H.-P. Meinzer, L. Maier-Hein
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Due to rapid developments in the research areas of medical imaging, medical image processing and robotics, computer assistance is no longer restricted to diagnostics and surgical planning but has been expanded to surgical and radiological interventions. From a software engineering point of view, the systems for image-guided therapy (IGT) are highly complex. To address this issue, we presented an open source extension to the well-known Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit (MITK) for developing IGT systems, called MITK-IGT. The contribution of this paper is two-fold: Firstly, we extended MITK-IGT such that it (1) facilitates the handling of navigation tools, (2) provides reusable graphical user interface (UI) components, and (3) features standardized exception handling. Secondly, we developed a software prototype for computer-assisted needle insertions, using the new features, and tested it with a new Tabletop field generator (FG) for the electromagnetic tracking system NDI Aurora ®. To our knowledge, we are the first to have integrated this new FG into a complete navigation system and have conducted tests under clinical conditions. In conclusion, we enabled simplified development of imageguided therapy software and demonstrated the utilizability of applications developed with MITK-IGT in the clinical workflow.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
A. M. Franz, A. Seitel, M. Servatius, C. Zöllner, I. Gergel, I. Wegner, J. Neuhaus, S. Zelzer, M. Nolden, J. Gaa, P. Mercea, K. Yung, C. M. Sommer, B. A. Radeleff, H.-P. Schlemmer, H.-U. Kauczor, H.-P. Meinzer, and L. Maier-Hein "Simplified development of image-guided therapy software with MITK-IGT", Proc. SPIE 8316, Medical Imaging 2012: Image-Guided Procedures, Robotic Interventions, and Modeling, 83162J (17 February 2012); Logo
Cited by 12 scholarly publications.
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Software development

Navigation systems

Medical imaging


Computed tomography


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