15 May 2012 A NANO enhancement to Moore's law
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In the past 46 years, Intel Moore observed an exponential doubling in the number of transistors in every 18 months through the size reduction of individual transistor components since 1965. In this paper, we are exploring the nanotechnology impact upon the Law. Since we cannot break down the atomic size barrier, the fact implies a fundamental size limit at the atomic or Nanotechnology scale. This means, no more simple 18 month doubling as in Moore's Law, but other forms of transistor doubling may happen at a different slope in new directions. We are particularly interested in the Nano enhancement area. (i) 3-D: If the progress in shrinking the in-plane dimensions (2D) is to slow down, vertical integration (3D) can help increasing the areal device transistor density and keep us on the modified Moore's Law curve including the 3rd dimension. As the devices continue to shrink further into the 20 to 30 nm range, the consideration of thermal properties and transport in such nanoscale devices becomes increasingly important. (ii) Carbon Computing: Instead of traditional Transistors, the other types of transistors material are rapidly developed in Laboratories Worldwide, e.g. IBM Spintronics bandgap material and Samsung Nano-storage material, HD display Nanotechnology, which are modifying the classical Moore's Law. We shall consider the overall limitation of phonon engineering, fundamental information unit 'Qubyte' in quantum computing, Nano/Micro Electrical Mechanical System (NEMS), Carbon NanoTubes (CNTs), single layer Graphemes, single strip Nano-Ribbons, etc., and their variable degree of fabrication maturities for the computing and information processing applications.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jerry Wu, Yin-Lin Shen, Kitt Reinhardt, and Harold Szu "A NANO enhancement to Moore's law", Proc. SPIE 8401, Independent Component Analyses, Compressive Sampling, Wavelets, Neural Net, Biosystems, and Nanoengineering X, 84010P (15 May 2012); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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