16 May 2012 All-fiber broadband supercontinuum generation in a single-mode high nonlinear silica fiber
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We demonstrate an all-fiber broadband supercontinuum (SC) source with high efficiency in a single-mode high nonlinear silica fiber. The SC is pumped by the 1557 nm sub-picosecond pulse, which is generated by a homemade passively mode-locked fiber laser, amplified by an EDFA and compressed to 600 fs. The high nonlinear fiber used in experiments has the zero-dispersion wavelength of 1584 nm with low dispersion slope. The pump pulse is in the normal dispersion region and the SC generation is initiated by the SPM effect. When the long-wave band of the spectrum is extended to the anomalous dispersion region, the soliton effects and intra-pulse Raman effects extend the spectrum further. Meanwhile, the dispersive waves shorter than 1100 nm begin to emerge because the phase matching condition is satisfied and the intensity increases with increasing the pump intensity. The broad SC spectrum with the spectral range from 840 to 2390 nm is obtained at the pump peak power of 46.71 kW, and the 10 dB bandwidth from 1120 nm to 2245 nm of the SC covers one octave assuming the peak near 1550 nm is filtered. The temporal trace of the SC has the repetition rate of 16.7 MHz, and some satellite pulses are generated during the nonlinear process. The SC source system is constructed by all-fiber components, which can be fusion spliced together directly with low loss less than 0.1 dB and improves the energy transfer efficiency from the pump source to the SC greatly. The maximum SC average power of 332 mW is obtained for the total spectral range, and the slop efficiency to the pump source is about 70.3%, which will be lower when the peaks near 1550 nm are filtered, but is higher than those in PCFs. The spectral density for the 10 dB bandwidth is in the range from -17.3 to -7.3 dBm/nm.
© (2012) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Weiqing Gao, Meisong Liao, Lingzhen Yang, Xin Yan, Takenobu Suzuki, and Yasutake Ohishi "All-fiber broadband supercontinuum generation in a single-mode high nonlinear silica fiber", Proc. SPIE 8434, Nonlinear Optics and Applications VI, 843419 (16 May 2012);
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Optical fibers



Scanning probe microscopy


Optical amplifiers

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