19 June 2015 Optical properties of human radicular dentin: ATR-FTIR characterization and dentine tubule direction influence on radicular post adhesion
Jose Quinto Jr., Claudia B. Zamataro, Carolina Benetti, Derly A. Dias, Alberto Blay, Denise Maria Zezell
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Proceedings Volume 9531, Biophotonics South America; 95311V (2015)
Event: SPIE Biophotonics South America, 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Knowledge of dental structures is essential for understanding of laser interaction and its consequences during adhesion processes. Tubule density in dentin ranges from 4.900 to 90.000 per mm2, for diameters from 1 to 3 μm. Light propagation inside the tubules is associated with tubules orientation. To the best of our knowledge, there is no previous work in literature characterizing physical-chemical alterations in dentin. The dentin samples were irradiated with a Er,Cr:YSGG Laser at wavelength 2.78 μm, with an energy density of 9.46 J/cm2 , above the ablation threshold. ATRFTIR at wavenumbers 2000 to 700 cm-1 was used to evaluate the differences among third root region and tubules orientation.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jose Quinto Jr., Claudia B. Zamataro, Carolina Benetti, Derly A. Dias, Alberto Blay, and Denise Maria Zezell "Optical properties of human radicular dentin: ATR-FTIR characterization and dentine tubule direction influence on radicular post adhesion", Proc. SPIE 9531, Biophotonics South America, 95311V (19 June 2015);
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Laser irradiation


Laser dentistry


Laser ablation

Optical properties

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