29 July 2016 Focal plane mechanical design of the NISP/Euclid instrument
Anne Bonnefoi, William Bon, Mathieu Niclas, Bjarte G. B. Solheim, Oyvind Torvanger, Robert Schistad, Benjamin Foulon, José Garcia, Sébastien Vives
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Currently in phase C, the Euclid mission selected by ESA in the Cosmic Vision program is dedicated to understand dark energy and dark matter. NISP (standing for Near Infrared Spectro-Photometer) is one of the two instruments of the mission. NISP will combine a photometer and a spectrometer working in the near-IR (0.9-2 microns). Its detection subsystem (called NI-DS) is based on a mosaic of 16 IR detectors cooled down to 90K which are supported by a molybdenum plate. The front-end readout electronics (working at 130K) are supported by another structure in Aluminum. The NI-DS is mounted on the rest of the instrument thanks to a panel in Silicon Carbide (SiC). Finally an optical baffle in Titanium will prevent the rogue light to reach the detectors. On top of the complexity due to the wide range of temperatures and the various materials imposed at the interfaces; the NI-DS has also to incorporate an internal adjustment capability of the position of the focal plane in tip/tilt and focus. This article will present current status of the development of the detection system of NISP.
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Anne Bonnefoi, William Bon, Mathieu Niclas, Bjarte G. B. Solheim, Oyvind Torvanger, Robert Schistad, Benjamin Foulon, José Garcia, and Sébastien Vives "Focal plane mechanical design of the NISP/Euclid instrument", Proc. SPIE 9904, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 99042V (29 July 2016); Logo
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