11 September 2018 Investigation of transmission loss dependence on core surround parameters in 7-cell hollow-core photonic-bandgap fibers
Zhihao Zhang, Chunxi Zhang, Xiaobin Xu, Fuyu Gao, Wei Cai
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Funded by: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
In designing photonic-bandgap fibers, the most effective and well-known approach utilized to suppress surface modes is the T  ∼  S  /  2 rule, which translates to using a core surround with only half the thickness of the average cladding strut. We investigate transmission loss in a commercial 7-cell hollow-core photonic-bandgap fiber. To reduce transmission loss at 1550 nm, we apply the T  ∼  S  /  2 rule to suppress the surface modes. While the strut surface modes are suppressed, the rod surface modes (RSMs) are blueshifted to wavelengths near 1550 nm because the round-core diameters of the cladding-layer corners resting against the fiber core are quite small, which leads to the coupling between the fundamental mode and the RSMs. This induces attenuation at 1550 nm, which indicates that the T  ∼  S  /  2 rule is applicable only within certain limits. By optimizing the round-core diameters of the corners resting against the fiber core, we obtain a structure that is free of surface modes, with the subsequent transmission loss at 1550 nm being ∼10  dB  /  km lower than that of the original fiber. Moreover, we propose a simple method to modify the round-core diameters to aid in surface-mode suppression.
© 2018 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) 0091-3286/2018/$25.00 © 2018 SPIE
Zhihao Zhang, Chunxi Zhang, Xiaobin Xu, Fuyu Gao, and Wei Cai "Investigation of transmission loss dependence on core surround parameters in 7-cell hollow-core photonic-bandgap fibers," Optical Engineering 57(9), 096105 (11 September 2018). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.OE.57.9.096105
Received: 24 April 2018; Accepted: 22 August 2018; Published: 11 September 2018
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Optical fibers

Signal attenuation


Fiber optic gyroscopes

Scanning electron microscopy

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