In the processing of Ocean Color (OC) data from sensor data recorded by Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
(VIIRS) aboard JPSS-Suomi satellite, NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group (OBPG) is deriving a continuous
temporal calibration based on the on-board calibration measurements for the visible bands, and then reprocessing the full
mission to produce a continuously calibrated sensor data record (SDR) product. In addition, a vicarious calibration
during SDR to OC Level-2 processing is applied. In the latest processing the vicarious calibration is derived from the
Marine Optical Buoy (MOBY) data, whereas in the initial processing it was derived from a sea surface reflectance model
and a climatology of chlorophyll-a concentration. Furthermore, NASA has recently reprocessed the OC data for the
entire VIIRS mission with lunar-based temporal calibration and updated vicarious gains. On the other hand, in fulfilling
the mission of the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the Interface Data Processing
Segment (IDPS) developed by Raytheon Intelligence and Information Systems, for the processing of the environmental
data products from sensor data records, has gained beta status for evaluation. As these processing schemes continue to
evolve, monitoring the validity and assessments of the related VIIRS ocean color products are necessary, especially for
coastal waters, to evaluate the consistency of these processing and calibration schemes. The ocean color component of
the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET-OC) has been designed to support long-term satellite ocean color
investigations through cross-site measurements collected by autonomous multispectral radiometer systems deployed
above water. As part of this network, the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO) near New York City and
WaveCIS in the Gulf of Mexico expand those observational capabilities with continuous monitoring as well as (for the
LISCO site) additional assessment of the hyper-spectral properties of coastal waters. In the investigations carried out
over a one and half year period dataset of VIIRS, based on the data from two coastal AERONET-OC sites, it has been
observed that the VIIRS sensor captures well the seasonal and temporal variations in the nLw data, exhibiting significant
correlation with in-situ data (R = 0.929 and 0.985 for LISCO and WaveCIS respectively). For the WaveCIS site, VIIRS
nLw data retrievals are seen to be enhanced with each incremental adjustments of vicarious and calibration procedures.
However, that is not the case for the LISCO site which exhibits more frequent occurrences of negative water-leaving
radiances, while underestimation in VIIRS nLw data is further exacerbated. Strong consistency between the time-series
nLw data retrieved from the VIIRS and MODIS sensors was also observed.
The Bahamas Optical Turbulence Experiment (BOTEX) was conducted in the summer of 2011 to investigate the impact of turbulence on underwater optical imaging. Underwater optical properties can be affected by turbulence in the water, due to localized changes in the index of refraction. We discuss measurements of current velocity and temperature, made with a Nortek Vector Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) and PME Conductivity- Temperature (CT) probe, as well as observations made with a Rockland Oceanographic Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP). The instruments were deployed in close proximity in the field and in the context of measurements of optical target clarity. Turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (TKED) and temperature dissipation (TD) rates are calculated from the ADV/CT measurements and compared to TKED and TD estimated from the data collected with the VMP. The results show reasonable agreement between the two methods; differences are attributed to turbulence patchiness and intermittence, as well as sampling challenges. The study also highlights the importance of collecting concurrent data on temperature, current velocity, and current shear to assess the turbulence impact on underwater optical properties.
The Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) is a prototype sensor installed on the International Space Station (ISS) designed to explore the management and capability of a space-borne hyperspectral sensor. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) funded the development and management of HICO. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) built and is involved in management of the HICO sensor. Bathymetry information is essential for naval operations in coastal regions. However, bathymetry may not be available in denied areas. HICO has a 100 meter spatial resolution, which makes it more capable for providing information within bays and estuaries than other sensors with coarser resolutions. Furthermore, its contiguous hyperspectral range is well suited to be used as input to the Hyperspectral Optimization Process Exemplar (HOPE) algorithm, which along with other absorption and backscattering values, estimates bottom albedo and water depth. Vicarious calibration uses in situ data to generate new gains and offsets that when applied to the top-of-atmosphere radiance values improves atmospheric correction results and the measurement of normalized water-leaving radiances. In situ remote sensing reflectance data collected in St. Andrews Bay were used to vicariously calibrate a coincident HICO scene. NRL’s Automated Processing System (APS) was used to perform atmospheric correction and estimation of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs). The HOPE algorithm used the vicariously calibrated HICO Rrs values to estimate water depth. The results were validated with bathymetry maps from the NOAA National Ocean Service (NOS).
As an integral part of the VIIRS sensor calibration and validation efforts, our group has been continuously monitoring the validity of the Visible Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)’s Ocean Color (OC) and atmospheric data stream through time series in-situ data acquired at the observatory sites which are part of the AERONET – OC network. This paper addresses the preliminary evaluations of the VIIRS sensor’s performance for retrieving OC data of typical coastal water environments, by carrying out time-series, as well as qualitative and quantitative match-up comparisons analysis between in-situ and satellite retrieved OC data. Initial time-series match-up comparisons carried out for almost a year period (January to December, 2012) show that VIIRS data exhibits strong temporal and statistical agreements with AERONET-OC data demonstrating a potential for enhanced coastal water monitoring from space. VIIRS data processing schemes which apply different vicarious calibration gains are compared and analyzed based on AERONET-OC data as well as OC retrievals of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) sensor aboard the Aqua satellite. The underlying cause of the discrepancies observed in VIIRS retrieved normalized water-leaving radiances is also investigated.
A dual-polarization lidar and photography are used to sense internal waves in West Sound, Orcas Island, Washington, from a small aircraft. The airborne lidar detected a thin plankton layer at the bottom of the upper layer of the water, and this signal provides the depth of the upper layer, amplitude of the internal waves, and the propagation speed. The lidar is most effective when the polarization filter on the receiver is orthogonal to the transmitted light, but this does not depend significantly on whether the transmitted light is linearly or circularly polarized. The depolarization is greater with circular polarization, and our results are consistent with a single parameter Mueller scattering matrix. Photographs of the surface manifestation of the internal waves clearly show the propagation direction and width of the phase fronts of the internal waves, even though the contrast is low (2%). Combined with the lidar profile, the total energy of the internal wave packet was estimated to be 9 MJ.
The orthodox approach to designing an underwater imaging system with artificial illumination has been to consider
only the unscattered target photons as useable signal while looking at scattered photons as a nuisance to be mitigated.
Photons scattered from the target towards the receiver cause blurring of fine target details in the collected imagery, while
photons backscattered by the water column as the artificial source illuminates the target act as a veiling luminance that
reduces overall image contrast. Typical performance for the Laser Line Scanner and Pulsed Range-Gated imagers can
reach up to 6 attenuation lengths, which can still represent very short ranges in the turbid waters of coastal regions. In the
early 1970's, with the goal of extending these performance ranges, the Visibility Laboratory explored an unconventional
concept that was called imagery by means of Time Varying Intensity (TVI). TVI uses both scattered and unscattered
photons from the laser-scanned target as useable signal. This novel approach enabled high-quality imagery to be
collected over 20 attenuation lengths between the target and receiver. Although this system was eventually shelved, it
has been resurrected by using a modulated laser illuminator to communicate critical information about the laser scan to a
distant receiver via both the scattered and unscattered photons. With this knowledge, a high-fidelity image of target
detail can then be recreated. In this paper, a real-time interactive simulation of TVI's expected imaging performance is
presented and model predictions are compared with experimental imagery acquired when laser and receiver are both
located underwater.
The Bahamas Optical Turbulence Exercise (BOTEX) was conducted in the coastal waters of Florida and the Bahamas
from June 30 to July 12 2011, onboard the R/V FG Walton Smith. The primary objective of the BOTEX was to obtain
field measurements of optical turbulence structures, in order to investigate the impacts of the naturally occurring
turbulence on underwater imaging and optical beam propagation. In order to successfully image through optical
turbulence structures in the water and examine their impacts on optical transmission, a high speed camera and targets
(both active and passive) were mounted on a rigid frame to form the Image Measurement Assembly for Subsurface
Turbulence (IMAST). To investigate the impacts on active imaging systems such as the laser line scan (LLS), the
Telescoping Rigid Underwater Sensor Structure (TRUSS) was designed and implemented by Harbor Branch
Oceanographic Institute. The experiments were designed to determine the resolution limits of LLS systems as a function
of turbulence induced beam wander at the target. The impact of natural turbulence structures on lidar backscatter
waveforms was also examined, by means of a telescopic receiver and a short pulse transmitter, co-located, on a vertical
profiling frame. To include a wide range of water types in terms of optical and physical conditions, data was collected
from four different locations. . Impacts from optical turbulence were observed under both strong and weak physical
structures. Turbulence measurements were made by two instruments, the Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) and a
3D acoustical Doppler velocimeter with fast conductivity and temperature probes, in close proximity in the field.
Subsequently these were mounted on the IMAST during moored deployments. The turbulence kinetic energy dissipation
rate and the temperature dissipation rates were calculated from both setups in order to characterize the physical
environments and their impacts. Beam deflection by multiple point patterns are examined, using high speed camera
recordings (300 to 1200 fps), in association with measured turbulence structures. Initial results confirmed our hypothesis
that turbulence impacted optical transmissions. They also showed that more research will be needed to better quantify
and mitigate such effects, especially for the U.S. Navy's next generation EO systems, including active imaging, lidar and
optical communications.
A dual polarization lidar was used to sense internal waves from a small aircraft. Internal waves are gravity waves that
are formed by a vertical displacement of a density gradient in the ocean. If the perturbation is great enough, a nonlinear
wave is produced and the balance between nonlinearity and dispersion can create a soliton-like wave packet. We
observed nonlinear wave packets in West Sound, Orcas Island, Washington. In this region, a density gradient is formed
in the summer by solar heating of the surface water. The perturbation is produced by strong tidal flow through a narrow,
shallow channel at the mouth of the sound. Plankton layers form in association with the density gradients, and these
layers produce an enhanced lidar return that moves up and down with the wave. We observed these internal waves with
a lidar operating at 532 nm. They were much more visible when the receiver was polarized orthogonal to the transmitted
laser pulse. This was the case whether linear or circular polarization was used, with no significant difference between
the two cases. These internal waves were also visible to the naked eye, when the surface currents produced by the waves
modulated the small surface waves that produce the apparent texture of the ocean surface.
Thin layers are water column structures that contain concentrations of organisms (or particles) that occur over very small vertical scales (a few meters or less), but with large horizontal scales (e.g. kilometers). Thin layers are now known to be common phenomenon in a wide variety of environments and can be a critical componant in marine ecosystem dynamics and functioning. While knowledge about their dynamics is important to our basic understanding of oceanic processes, thin layers can have significant impacts on both oceanographic and defense related sensing systems, e.g. thin layers can affect underwater visibility, imaging, vulnerability, communication and remote sensing for both optical and acoustic instrumentation. This paper will review the history of thin layers research, their ecological significance, innovations in oceanographic instrumentation and sampling methodologies used in their study, and the consequences of their occurence to oceanographic sensing systems.
In Ocean Color (OC) data processing one of the most critical steps is the atmospheric correction procedure used to
separate the water leaving radiance, which contains information on water constituents, from the total radiance measured
by space borne sensors, which contains atmospheric contributions. To ensure reliability of retrieved water leaving
radiance values, and OC information derived from them, the quality of the atmospheric correction procedures applied
needs to be assessed and validated. In this regard, the Long Island Sound Coastal Observatory (LISCO), jointly
established by the City College of New York and the Naval Research Laboratory is becoming one of the key elements
for OC sensors validation efforts, in part because of its capabilities for co-located hyper and multi-spectral measurements
using HyperSAS and SeaPRISM radiometers respectively, with the latter being part of the NASA AERONET - OC
network. Accordingly, the impact of the procedures used for atmospheric correction on the retrieval of remote sensing
reflectance (Rrs) data can then be evaluated based on satellite OC data acquired from the LISCO site over the last two
years. From this, the qualities of atmospheric correction procedures are assessed by performing matchup comparisons
between the satellites retrieved atmospheric data and that of LISCO.
Optical remote sensing of coastal waters from space is a basic requirement for monitoring global water quality and
assessing anthropogenic impacts. However, this task remains highly challenging due to the optical complexity of the
atmosphere-water system in coastal areas. In order to support present and future multi- and hyper-spectral
calibration/validation activities for the Ocean Color Radiometry (OCR) satellites, as well as the development of new
measurements and retrieval techniques for coastal waters, City College of New York along with the Naval Research
Laboratory (Stennis) has established a scientifically comprehensive observation platform, the Long Island Sound
Coastal Observatory (LISCO). As an integral part of the NASA AERONET - Ocean Color Network, LISCO is equipped
with a multispectral SeaPRISM system. In addition, LISCO expands its observational capabilities through hyperspectral
measurements with a HyperSAS system. The related multi- and hyperspectral data processing and data quality analysis
are described. The three main OCR satellites, MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS, have been evaluated against the LISCO
dataset of quality-checked measurements of SeaPRISM and HyperSAS. Adjacency effects impacting satellite data have
been analyzed and found negligible. The remote sensing reflectances retrieved from satellite and in situ data are also
compared. These comparisons show satisfactory correlations (R2 > 0.91 at 547nm) and consistencies (median value of
the absolute percentage difference ~ 7.4%). It is also found that merging of the SeaPRISM and HyperSAS data at LISCO
site significantly improve the overall data quality which makes this dataset highly suitable for satellite data validation
purposes or for potential vicarious calibration activities.
The current operational algorithm for the correction of bidirectional effects from the satellite ocean color data is
optimized for typical oceanic waters. However, versions of bidirectional reflectance correction algorithms, specifically
tuned for typical coastal waters and other case 2 conditions, are particularly needed to improve the overall quality of
those data. In order to analyze the bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of case 2 waters, a dataset of
typical remote sensing reflectances was generated through radiative transfer simulations for a large range of viewing and
illumination geometries. Based on this simulated dataset, a case 2 water focused remote sensing reflectance model is
proposed to correct above-water and satellite water leaving radiance data for bidirectional effects. The proposed model is
first validated with a one year time series of in situ above-water measurements acquired by collocated multi- and
hyperspectral radiometers which have different viewing geometries installed at the Long Island Sound Coastal
Observatory (LISCO). Match-ups and intercomparisons performed on these concurrent measurements show that the
proposed algorithm outperforms the algorithm currently in use at all wavelengths.
The Long Island Sound Coastal Observational platform (LISCO) near Northport, New York, has been recently
established to support satellite data validation. LISCO has both multispectral and hyperspectral radiometers for ocean
color measurements. LISCO offers the potential for improving the calibration and validation activities of current and
future Ocean Color satellite missions, as well as for satellite intercomparisons and spectral characterization of coastal
waters. The multispectral measurements (SeaPRISM system) are part of the NASA AERONET - Ocean Color Network.
In addition, LISCO expand observational capabilities for the continuous monitoring and assessment of the hyperspectral
(HyperSAS system) and polarized properties Results of measurements made by both the multi- and hyper-spectral
instruments, in operation since October 2009, are presented. Intercomparisons between HyperSAS and SeaPRISM data
has been carried out, permitting the quantification of the main sources of uncertainty. The three main OCR satellites,
MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS, have been evaluated against the LISCO dataset of quality-checked measurements of
SeaPRISM and HYPERSAS. A first attempt of validation of the hyperspectral imagery provided by the HICO satellite
mission is also presented.
Optical signal transmission underwater is of vital interests to both civilian and military applications. The range and
signal to noise during the transmission, as a function of system and water optical properties determines the effectiveness
of EO technology. These applications include diver visibility, search and rescue, mine detection and identification, and
optical communications. The impact of optical turbulence on underwater imaging has been postulated and observed by
many researchers. However, no quantative studies have been done until recently, in terms of both the environmental
conditions, and impacts on image quality as a function of range and spatial frequencies. Image data collected from field
measurements during SOTEX (Skaneateles Optical Turbulence Exercise, July 22-31, 2010) using the Image
Measurement Assembly for Subsurface Turbulence (IMAST) are presented. Optical properties of the water column in
the field were measured using WETLab's ac-9 and Laser In Situ Scattering and Transmissometer (LISST, Sequoia
Scientific), in coordination with physical properties including CTD (Seabird), dissipation rate of kinetic energy and
heat, using both the Vector velocimeter and CT combo (Nortek and PME), and shear probe based Vertical
Microstructure Profiler (VMP, Rockland). The strong stratification structure in the water column provides great
opportunity to observe various dissipation strengths throughout the water column, which corresponds directly with
image quality as shown. Initial results demonstrate general agreement between data collected and model prediction,
while discrepancies between measurements and model suggest higher spatial and temporal observations are needed in
the future.
Enhancing visibility through scattering media is important in many fields for gaining information from the
scattering medium. In the ocean, in particular, enhancement of imaging and visibility is important for divers, navigation,
robotics, and target and mine detection and classification. Light scattering from particulates and turbulence in the ocean
strongly affects underwater visibility. The magnitude of this degrading effect depends upon the underwater environment,
and can rapidly degrade the quality of underwater imaging under certain conditions. To facilitate study of the impact of
turbulence upon underwater imaging and to check against our previously developed model, quantified observation of the
image degradation concurrent with characterization of the turbulent flow is necessary, spanning a variety of turbulent
strengths. Therefore, we present field measurements of turbulence microstructure from the July 2010 Skaneateles Optical
Turbulence Exercise (SOTEX), during which images of a target were collected over a 5 m path length at various depths
in the water column, concurrent with profiles of the turbulent strength, optical properties, temperature, and conductivity.
Turbulence was characterized by the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation (TKED) and thermal dissipation (TD) rates,
which were obtained using both a Rockland Scientific Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) and a Nortek Vector
velocimeter in combination with a PME CT sensor. While the two instrumental setups demonstrate reasonable
agreement, some irregularities highlight the spatial and temporal variability of the turbulence field. Supplementary
measurements with the Vector/CT in a controlled laboratory convective tank will shed additional light on the quantitative
relationship between image degradation and turbulence strength.
Subsurface optical layers distributed at two different depths were investigated in Monterrey Bay, East Sound, and the Black Sea based on spatial statistics of remote sensing reflectance (Rrs). The main objective of this study was to evaluate the use of Rrs(443)/Rrs(490) (hereafter R1) skewness (ψ) as an indicator of vertical optical structure in different marine regions. Measurements of inherent optical properties were obtained using a remotely operated towed vehicle and R1 was theoretically derived from optical profiles. Although the broad range of trophic status and water stratification, a common statistical pattern consisting of lower ψR1-a deeper optical layer was found in all study cases. This variation was attributed to optical changes above the opticline and related to horizontal variability of particulates and spectral variations with depth. We recommend more comparisons in stratified coastal waters with different phytoplankton communities before the use of ψR1 can be generalized as a noninvasive optical proxy for screening depth changes on subsurface optical layers.
Unmanned underwater vehicles are becoming an increasingly important platform in oceanographic research and
operational oceanography, where continuous in situ sampling throughout the water column is essential to understanding
the ocean circulation and related biological, chemical, and optical activity. The latter directly affects field operations and
remote sensing capabilities from space. A unified approach is necessary for data quality control (QC), access, and
storage, considering the vast amount of data collected from gliders continuously deployed across large areas and over
long durations. The Binary Universal Form for the Representation of meteorological data (BUFR) maintained by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is adapted to include physical and optical parameters from a variety of
sensor suites onboard underwater vehicles. The provisional BUFR template and related BUFR descriptors and table
entries have been developed by the U.S. Navy for ocean glider profile data and QC results. Software written in
FORTRAN using the ECMWF BUFRDC library has been implemented to perform both the encoding and decoding of
BUFR files from and to Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) files. This presentation also discusses data collected
from sensors on gliders deployed both in deep water and shallow water environments, including issues specific to optical
sensors at various depths.
Current United States Navy Mine-Counter-Measure (MCM) operations primarily use electro-optical identification
(EOID) sensors to identify underwater targets after detection via acoustic sensors. These EOID sensors which are based
on laser underwater imaging by design work best in "clear" waters and are limited in coastal waters especially with
strong optical layers. Optical properties and in particular scattering and absorption play an important role on systems
performance. Surface optical properties alone from satellite are not adequate to determine how well a system will
perform at depth due to the existence of optical layers. The spatial and temporal characteristics of the 3d optical
variability of the coastal waters along with strength and location of subsurface optical layers maximize chances of
identifying underwater targets by exploiting optimum sensor deployment. Advanced methods have been developed to
fuse the optical measurements from gliders, optical properties from "surface" satellite snapshot and 3-D ocean
circulation models to extend the two-dimensional (2-D) surface satellite optical image into a three-dimensional (3-D)
optical volume with subsurface optical layers. Modifications were made to an EOID performance model to integrate a
3-D optical volume covering an entire region of interest as input and derive system performance field. These
enhancements extend present capability based on glider optics and EOID sensor models to estimate the system's "image
quality". This only yields system performance information for a single glider profile location in a very large operational
region. Finally, we define the uncertainty of the system performance by coupling the EOID performance model with the
3-D optical volume uncertainties. Knowing the ensemble spread of EOID performance field provides a new and unique
capability for tactical decision makers and Navy Operations.
Diver visibility has been one of the key research areas in underwater vision and imaging studies. Its applications also
extend into imaging system performance evaluation and prediction, which is important in MIW and ASW operations.
These applications are often associated with coastal ocean waters, and this is generally translated directly into turbidity
of the water column. While mostly this is the case, exceptions can lead to erroneous predictions and potentially
significant consequences. We examine issues associated with such situations, both by model as well as field data, in
order to reach better estimates and to explore means to compensate for such effects, to enhance diver visibility.
Visibility data collected by Navy divers from clean and relatively calm waters outside Pensacola, during Sept 2001
Gorging Littoral Ocean for Warfighters (GLOW) experiments suggested a closer examination is warranted, as observed
diver visibility measured at different spatial frequencies contradicts conventional model predictions. Observation data
from two different days, by different divers at different depths were used. The modulation transfer of high frequency
components disappears at a level much higher than those predicted by the human vision sensitivity level. Such
contradictions can be resolved, once the effect of the turbulence scattering is considered using a general imaging model.
Polarization characteristics of coastal waters were recently measured during a cruise on the R/V "Connecticut" in the
areas of New York Harbor - Sandy Hook, NJ region using a new Stokes vector instrument developed by the Optical
Remote Sensing Laboratory at CCNY. The instrument has three hyperspectral Satlantic radiance sensors each with a
polarizer positioned in front of it, with polarization axes aligned at 0, 90 and 45°. The measured degrees of polarization
(DOPs) and normalized radiances as a function of angle and wavelength match very well with simulated ones obtained
with a Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for the atmosphere-ocean system. In order to numerically reproduce the
polarized images for underwater horizontal imaging system the measured typical underwater polarized radiance was
used to estimate the polarized components of the background veiling light and the blurring effects were modeled by
point spread functions obtained from the measured volume scattering functions from this cruise and other typical oceanic
environments. It is shown that the visibility can be improved for unpolarized target by placing a polarizer oriented
orthogonally to the partially polarized direction of the veiling light before camera. The blurring effects strongly depend
on the small angle scattering in the forward directions. For polarized targets the Monte Carlo simulation of slab
geometry for polarized pencil light shows that the scattering medium with high g value has a very strong ability to retain
the polarization status of the incident light, which can be utilized to improve the image contrasts for targets with very
different polarized reflection properties.
Hyperion is a hyperspectral sensor on board NASA's EO-1 satellite with a spatial resolution of approximately 30 m and a swath width of about 7 km. It was originally designed for land applications, but its unique spectral configuration (430 nm - 2400 nm with a ~10 nm spectral resolution) and high spatial resolution make it attractive for studying complex coastal ecosystems, which require such a sensor for accurate retrieval of environmental properties. In this paper, Hyperion data over an area of the Florida Keys is used to develop and test algorithms for atmospheric correction and for retrieval of subsurface properties. Remote-sensing reflectance derived from Hyperion data is compared with those from in situ measurements. Furthermore, water's absorption coefficients and bathymetry derived from Hyperion imagery are compared with sample measurements and LIDAR survey, respectively. For a depth range of ~ 1 - 25 m, the Hyperion bathymetry match LIDAR data very well (~11% average error); while the absorption coefficients differ by ~16.5% (in a range of 0.04 - 0.7 m-1 for wavelengths of 410, 440, 490, 510, and 530 nm) on average. More importantly, in this top-to-bottom processing of Hyperion imagery, there is no use of any a priori or ground truth information. The results demonstrate the usefulness of such space-borne hyperspectral data and the techniques developed for effective and repetitive observation of complex coastal regions.
KEYWORDS: Modulation transfer functions, Scattering, Imaging systems, Absorption, Point spread functions, Cameras, Optical properties, Polarization, Spatial frequencies, Signal to noise ratio
The main challenge working with underwater imagery results from both rapid decay of signals due to absorption, which
leads to poor signal to noise returns, and the blurring caused by strong scattering by the water itself and constituents
within, especially particulates. The modulation transfer function (MTF) of an optical system gives the detailed and
precise information regarding the system behavior. Underwater imageries can be better restored with the knowledge of
the system MTF or the point spread function (PSF), the Fourier transformed equivalent, extending the performance
range as well as the information retrieval from underwater electro-optical system. This is critical in many civilian and
military applications, including target and especially mine detection, search and rescue, and diver visibility. This effort
utilizes test imageries obtained by the Laser Underwater Camera Imaging Enhancer (LUCIE) from Defense Research
and Development Canada (DRDC), during an April-May 2006 trial experiment in Panama City, Florida. Imaging of a
standard resolution chart with various spatial frequencies were taken underwater in a controlled optical environment, at
varying distances. In-water optical properties during the experiment were measured, which included the absorption and
attenuation coefficients, particle size distribution, and volume scattering function. Resulting images were preprocessed
to enhance signal to noise ratio by averaging multiple frames, and to remove uneven illumination at target plane. The
MTF of the medium was then derived from measurement of above imageries, subtracting the effect of the camera
system. PSFs converted from the measured MTF were then used to restore the blurred imageries by different
deconvolution methods. The effects of polarization from source to receiver on resulting MTFs were examined and we
demonstrate that matching polarizations do enhance system transfer functions. This approach also shows promise in
deriving medium optical properties including absorption and attenuation.
In order to automatically enhance and restore images, especially those taken from underwater environments where scattering and absorption by the medium strongly influence the imaging results even within short distances, it is critical to have access to an objective measure of the quality of images obtained. This contribution presents an approach to measure the sharpness of an image based on the weighted gray-scale-angle (GSA) of detected edges. Images are first decomposed by a wavelet transform to remove random and part medium noises, to augment chances of true edge detection. Sharpness of each edge is then determined by regression to determine the slope between gray-scale values of edge pixels versus locations, which is the tangent of an angle based on grayscale. The overall sharpness of the image is the average of each measured GSAs, weighted by the ratio of the power of the first level decomposition details, to the total power of the image. Adaptive determination of edge widths is facilitated by values associated with image noise variances. To further remove the noise contamination, edge widths less than corresponding noise variances or regression requirement are discarded. Without losing generality while easily expandable, only horizontal edge widths are used in this study. Standard test images as well as those taken from field are used to be compared subjectively. Initial restoration results from field measured underwater images based on this approach and weakness of the metric are also presented and discussed.
A method to retrieve concentrations of suspended large and small particles in seawater from satellite images is proposed.
The method uses as input images of scattering and backscattering coefficients in several satellite channels as well as an
image of concentration of chlorophyll. All these three properties are derived using an atmospheric correction algorithm
and algorithms to derive inherent optical properties from remote sensing reflectance. The proposed method is based on
several approaches developed previously by Twardowski et al, van de Huist, and Evans and Fournier and is based on
Mie theory. The proposed method was applied to restore a number of suspended particles and their dynamics in ocean
using SeaWIFs satellite optical images.
Estimation of water column optical properties and seafloor reflectance (532 nm) is demonstrated using recent SHOALS data collected at Fort Lauderdale, Florida (November, 2003). To facilitate this work, the first radiometric calibrations of SHOALS were performed. These calibrations permit a direct normalization of recorded data by converting digitized counts at the output of the SHOALS receivers to input optical power. For estimation of environmental parameters, this normalization is required to compensate for the logarithmic compression of the signals and the finite frequency of the bandpass of the detector/amplifier. After normalization, the SHOALS data are used to estimate the backscattering coefficient, the beam attenuation coefficient, the single-scattering albedo, the VSF asymmetry, and seafloor reflectance by fitting simulated waveforms to actual waveforms measured by the SHOALS APD and PMT receivers. The resulting estimates of these water column optical properties are compared to in-situ measurements acquired at the time of the airborne data collections. Images of green laser bottom reflectance are also presented and compared to reflectance estimated from simultaneously acquired passive spectral data.
This work describes the water collection experiment component of the Megacollect 2004 campaign. Megacollect was a collaborative campaign coordinated by RIT with several institutions to spectrally measure various target/background scenarios with airborne sensors and ground instruments. An extension to the terrestrial campaign was an effort
to simultaneously measure water optical properties in different bodies of water in the Rochester Embayment. This collection updates a previous effort in which water surface measurements were made during an AVIRIS mission over the Rochester Embayment (May 1999).
Megacollect 2004 builds on this through an expanded campaign that increased the number of stations sampled, extended the spectral range of measurements, and improved the spatial resolution of the imagery through the use of multiple sensors (COMPASS, SEBASS, MISI, WASP). A larger set of in-water instruments were deployed on several vessels to sample and measure water optical properties near the shores of Lake Ontario, the northern portions of Irondequoit Bay, and several smaller ponds and bays in the Rochester Embayment. This paper describes the different in-water instruments deployed, the measurements obtained and how they will be used for future modeling efforts and development of hyperspectral algorithms.
HyperSpectral Imagery (HSI) of the coastal zone often focuses on the estimation of bathymetry. However, the estimation of bathymetry requires knowledge, or the simultaneous solution, of water column Inherent Optical Properties (IOPs) and bottom reflectance. The numerical solution to the simultaneous set of equations for bathymetry, IOPs, and bottom reflectance places high demands on the spectral quality, calibration, atmospheric correction, and Signal-to-Noise (SNR) of the HSI data stream.
In October of 2002, a joint FERI/NRL/NAVO/USACE HSI/LIDAR experiment was conducted off of Looe Key, FL. This experiment yielded high quality HSI data at a 2 m resolution and bathymetric LIDAR data at a 4 m resolution. The joint data set allowed for the advancement and validation of a previously generated Look-Up-Table (LUT) approach to the simultaneous retrieval of bathymetry, IOPs, and bottom type. Bathymetric differences between the two techniques were normally distributed around a 0 mean, with the exception of two peaks. One peak related to a mechanical problem in the LIDAR detector mirrors that causes errors on the edges of the LIDAR flight lines. The other significant difference occurred in a single geographic area (Hawk Channel) suggesting an incomplete IOP or bottom reflectance description in the LUT data base. In addition, benthic habitat data from NOAA’s National Ocean Service (NOS) and the Florida Wildlife Research Institute (FWRI) provided validation data for the estimation of bottom type. Preliminary analyses of the bottom type estimation suggest that the best retrievals are for seagrass bottoms. One source of the potential difficulties may be that the LUT database was generated from a more pristine location (Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas). It is expected that fusing the HSI/LIDAR data streams should reduce the errors in bottom typing and IOP estimation.
We present results from trials of the LUCIE 2 (Laser Underwater Camera Image Enhancer) conducted in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia, Canada and Esquimalt Harbor, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. LUCIE 2 is a new compact laser range gated camera (10 inches in diameter, 24 inches in length, and neutrally buoyant in water) originally designed to improve search and recovery operations under eye safe restrictions. The flexibility and eye safety of this second generation LUCIE makes it a tool for improved hull searches and force protection operations when divers are in the water attempting to identify bottom lying objects. The camera is equipped with a full image geo-positioning system. To cover various environmental and targets size conditions, the gate-delay, gate width, polarization and viewing and illuminating angles can be varied as well. We present an analysis on the performance of the system in various water conditions using several target types and a comparison with diver and camera identification. Coincident in-situ optical properties of absorption and scattering were taken to help resolve the environmental information contained in the LUCIE image. Several new capabilities are currently being designed and tested, among them a differential polarization imaging system, a stabilized line of sight system with step-stare capability for high resolution mosaic area coverage, a precision dimensioning system and a diver guided and operated version.
Under sponsorship from ONR, Planning Systems Incorporated is developing the Generic Lidar Model (GLM) to compare different Lidar systems (pulsed/CW, airborne/in-water, monostatic/bistatic, wide/narrow beamwidth) using a consistent treatment of the environment. The model uses Modulation Transfer Functions to incorporate environmental influences on image detection and blurring. Environmental parameters include absorption, the depth-dependent effect of a scattering layer within the atmosphere and the water column, backscattering, bottom and target reflectivity, wind-driven air/sea interface changes. System parameters considered include source/receiver geometry, various spot and scan configurations, optical defocusing, and power. System electronics and image processing are being incorporated. GLM presently models a pulsed, range-gated system and a CW laser line scanner with the help of interactive GUIs which allow the user to instantly see and evaluate the effect of changes in important system and environment variables. Optical profiles obtained during the Oceanside '95 exercise sponsored by NRL's Littoral Optical Environment program were used to test GLM predictions. During this exercise, the optical signatures of passing internal waves were noted as having a dramatic effect on a laser-line scanner deployed. Profiles from the exercise were used to predict laser-line scanner performance before, during, and after the passage of the internal waves.
In studying light and image transfer in coastal waters the influence of bottom reflection is as significant as scattering and absorption phenomena. In these cases a knowledge of the reflective properties of different types of bottoms is very important. At present, little is known about these properties. We present results of experimental spectral measurements of different kinds of sedimental material such as sands and clays, both major components of coastal water bottoms. We have determined the spectral index of refraction from measurements of the optical spectral signatures of various clays and sands, as the represent the most common bottom components found in coastal waters. The measured optical spectral signatures and the associated complex indexes of refraction are presented. This preliminary study should provide insight on improving the inverse problem algorithm for extracting the spectral index of refraction. This spectral information can then be used as input into radiative transfer models which include the ocean bottom.
Over the past few years, several extensive exercises supported by NRL Optics Programs have taken place in US coastal waters. Analysis of optical data collected has progressed from simply observing high spatial and temporal variability, to linking this variability with physical forcing factors. Data from the most recent exercises off the Oceanside, CA and Le Jeune, NC areas are presented. Optical and oceanographic casts were taken at Oceanside in October 1995 using an ac-9 and an associated CTD. Optical properties were observed to correlate very well with the temperature and density structure of the water column. In turn, the temperature/density structure varied in conjunction with the main component of the local tidal cycle. Optical casts over a 15 hour period when other physical forcing factors are believed to be minimal are presented. During the two-week Oceanside exercise, an optical mooring recorded absorption, total attenuation, irradiance, and backscattering. Cyclic changes in the optical properties of a factor between two and four were observed, with a base of 0.5 to 1.0 m-1. Phase shifts in the optical data indicate that tidal influences were also modulated and at times overshadowed by large scale meteorological events, local long shore currents, and other physical forces. At Le Jeune, absorption, attenuation, temperature, and density fields were observed to fluctuate with the tidal cycle at distances of up to 12 mi from New River Inlet. The mean tidal height and density are shown to correlate with a factor of three change in both the absorption ad attenuation over a tidal cycle. Warm, high density water with low optical properties advected through the area during the measurement period and overshadowed the variability attributable to tides.
The ability to acquire information about inherent optical properties such as total spectral absorption (a((lambda) ), m-1) and scattering (b((lambda) ), m-1) from reflectance properties of oceanic waters is fundamental to the development of remote sensing algorithms. While considerable success has been achieved in relatively clear oceanic waters, inversion methods to determine a((lambda) ) and b((lambda) ) in conjunction with profiles of in situ radiance reflectance at various locations off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina during spring 1996. Our objective was to evaluate measurment and model closure among the different methods that were applied. Spectral a and b were determined using a WETLabs ac-9. Independent estimates of a were also determined in discrete samples using a spectrophotometer. In situ upwelling radiance (Lu) and downwelling irradiance (Ed) were determined using a Satlantic SeaWiFS Profiling Multichannel Radiometer. Inverse methods provided estimates of a and b from reflectance (Lu/Ed). For the mid- shelf station characterized by relatively low b/a ratios, agreement among the different methods for estimating a((lambda) ) was quite good. At the inner shield station, higher b/a ratios were encountered and larger discrepancies were observed between the different methods. The results illustrate the utility of multi-faceted measurement strategies for evaluating the reliability of estimates of optical properties.
A new submersible spectrophotometer with 3.3 nm spectral resolution throughout the visible range, 400-730 nm, has been developed for the Navy. Within the sample chamber, the Hi-Star incorporates an optical configuration similar to that of the existing WET Labs ac-9 dual path absorption and attenuation meter. The absorption path includes a reflective tube to collect the scattered light throughout the sample volume while the attenuation path uses conventional transmissometer optics. The Hi-Star uses fiber optics to couple a single white light source into the two sample optical paths and a reference path. The absorption and attenuation receivers consist of primary collection optics which couple the light into two spectrometers. A third spectrometer is used to directly measure the light from the reference path. Data collected from the absorption and attenuation paths are subsequently reference normalized to correct for changes in the lamp output over time. The Hi- Star is designed to be used either in a continuous flow mode or with discrete samples in cylindrical cuvettes, thus making it suitable for both laboratory or field applications. We show preliminary data collected with the Hi-Star instrument both in the laboratory and in-situ. Laboratory tests will include determination of basic instrument coefficients and determination of the mean scattering error for the absorption measurement. Field results are also presented using the instrument in both bench-top and in-situ profiling operation modes.
The results of model calculations of apparent optical properties of realistic marine waters with inclusion of Raman scattering and fluorescence are presented. It is shown that the underwater light spectrum can be divided, by a threshold wavelength, into two regions with different behavior of apparent optical properties, and also that inelastic effects are significant and should be considered in ocean optics measurements.
The WET Labs ac-9 has been used by scientists world wide to collect absorption and attenuation measurements for over three years. The ac-9 provides measurements of the in-situ spectral signatures of particulate and dissolved material using a dual source nine wavelength filter wheel transmitter with reflective tube absorption optics and a conventional transmissometer configuration. Since the ac-9 was introduced, much effort has been expended in establishing workable protocols for instrument calibration, deployment and data processing. In addition, considerable effort has been placed in design improvements, enhancing reliability, stability and ease of use. From these efforts a protocol document was produced which provides detailed instructions for operation, deployment and data processing and an overview of the instrument evolution since its original introduction as a product. An overview of the protocol document is presented in order to familiarize the reader with critical issues associated with meter usage and proper handling of data.
We are carrying out parameterizations of Type 1 oceanic waters to Type 2 coastal waters and determining the effects of minerogenic matter on attempts to retrieve the backscattering coefficient from radiance and irradiance data. This new parameterization involves the incorporation of suspended minerogenic matter into our ocean optical models. The deeply 'lobed' backscattering portion of the volume scattering function for suspended minerogenic matter in coastal Type 2 waters has a profound effect on the upwelling radiance signal and therefore on algorithms that utilize upwelling radiances. Clay-like minerogenic matter can create a 200 percent overestimate of the backscattering coefficient for Air Mass 1 conditions and a 50 percent underestimate of the backscattering coefficient under Air Mass 2 conditions in the surface layers of coastal waters. Quartz-like minerogenic matter, range of diameters 60-360 micrometers for size distributions typical of California and Florida, stirred up with and added to suspended clay-like particles, will radically alter further the backscattering shape factor and the error of inversion of the backscattering coefficient. In this case a nearly 30 percent error of underestimate results in the surface layers that then increases with depth to more than a 15 percent overestimate coefficient under Air Mass 1 conditions. There is then a 20 percent overestimate at all depths under Air Mass 2 conditions.
Biofouling has been a serious question in the stability of optical measurements in the ocean, particularly in moored and drifting buoy applications. Many investigators coat optical surfaces with various compounds to reduce the amount of fouling; to our knowledge, however, there are no objective, in-situ comparative testing of these compounds to evaluate their effectiveness with respect to optical stability relative to untreated controls. We have tested a wide range of compounds at in-situ locations in Halifax Harbor and in the Adriatic Sea on passive optical sensors. Compounds tested include a variety of TBT formulations, antifungal agents. and low-friction silicone-based compounds; time-scales of up to four months were evaluated. The results of these experiments are discussed.
The backscattering coefficient of the marine hydrosol is recognized as an important optical parameter to extract from the radiance and irradiance data of the hydrosol. One of the more promising algorithms for extracting this parameter, utilizing remotely sensed reflectance, has been proposed by Zaneveld. We have studied the implications of the simplified algorithm with the Naval Research Lab (NRL) optical model, a Monte Carlo simulation of the radiative transfer equation using standard absorption and elastic scattering coefficients for the water molecule, organic matter, and minerogenic matter. The known inputs of inherent optical properties can be used with the radiant flux outputs to check and verify algorithms that invert the measured irradiance streams for inherent optical properties. The results indicate that the inversion of the backscattering coefficient from remotely sensed reflectance is in error in the range of a 40% overestimate to a 10% underestimate of this parameter. The errors are dependent on both the solar angle and the constituents contributing to backscattering. Knowledge about the general shape of the backscattering function of a given hydrosol is necessary for the most successful inversion algorithms.
The influence of small waves (<2 to 10 cm in height) in
in-ground tanks on the vertical attenuation coefficient for
downwelling irradiance (Kd) calculated from either the mean
irradiances over a 5 minute run or the average of point-to-point
measurements made at 10 and 20 Hz is investigated. Waves of mean
frequencies of about 1 Hz were introduced in the tanks that
produced corresponding frequencies in the power spectrum of
measured irradiances. Coherence was greater than 0.7 between
spectra of irradiance and waves when small waves were introduced,
but was less than 0.3 under ambient conditions. Both increases
and decreases in Kd values were observed when comparing Kd
calculated from the point-to-point values and that obtained using
the mean irradiances. When large waves (5-10 cm) were
introduced, the methods deviated by up to a factor of two,
presumably due to the large fluctuations in the point-to-point Kd
values relative to the fluctuations in irradiance averaged over
the 5 minute run. There were changes of 30% in Kd, calculated
from mean irradiances, as wave height was increased.
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