Transplantation of kidneys results in delayed graft function in as many as 40% of cases. During the organ transplantation process, donor kidneys undergo a period of cold ischemic time (CIT), where the organ is preserved with a cold storage solution to maintain tissue viability. Some complications observed after grafting may be due to damage sustained to the kidney during CIT. However, the effects due to this damage are not apparent until well after transplant surgery has concluded. To this end, we have used spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) to measure spatially resolved optical properties of porcine kidneys over the course of 80-h CIT. During this time, we observed an increase in both reduced scattering (
This guest editorial introduces the Special Section on Spatial Frequency Domain Imaging.
There is a need for noninvasive, quantitative methods to characterize wound healing in the context of longitudinal investigations related to regenerative medicine. Such tools have the potential to inform the assessment of wound status and healing progression and aid the development of new treatments. We employed spatial frequency domain imaging (SFDI) to characterize the changes in optical properties of tissue during wound healing progression in a porcine model of split-thickness skin grafts and also in a model of burn wound healing with no graft intervention. Changes in the reduced scattering coefficient measured using SFDI correlated with structural changes reported by histology of biopsies taken concurrently. SFDI was able to measure spatial inhomogeneity in the wounds and predicted heterogeneous healing. In addition, we were able to visualize differences in healing rate, depending on whether a wound was debrided and grafted, versus not debrided and left to heal without intervention apart from topical burn wound care. Changes in the concentration of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin were also quantified, giving insight into hemodynamic changes during healing.
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