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Since the CCD has a low signal on noise ratio, it necessitates long integration time that can vary from a few minutes to hours. It is essential to correct and compensate the rotation of the optical field caused by the earth’s rotation during the monitoring of the astronomical object.
A (field) derotator is a class of devices that is used to correct the optical field rotation. In a telescope of a Ritchey- Chretien, Nasmyth configuration, the device must be integrated between the scientific instruments and the M3 mirror. The anastigmatic and the anachromatic features of this type of derotator is the main reason that it is chosen. These characteristics are provided by the K-Mirror design.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the possibility to integrate the derotator in the central hole of the telescope fork and to evaluate the mechanical/optical features of the model.
This paper describes the implementation of the algorithms, and the design and development of the prototype operational tools for automated PSF reconstruction. On-sky performance is discussed by comparing the reconstructed PSFs to the measured PSF’s on the NIRC2 science camera. The importance of knowing the control loop performance, accurate mapping of the telescope pupil to the deformable mirror and the science instrument pupil, and the telescope segment piston error are highlighted. We close by discussing lessons learned and near-term future plans.
OPERA, an automatic PSF reconstruction software for Shack-Hartmann AO systems: application to Altair
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