Levent Onural received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from METU in 1979 and 1981, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from SUNYAB in 1985. He was a Fulbright scholar (1981–1985). He joined the EEE Department of Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey, in 1987 where he is currently a Professor and the Dean of Engineering. His current research interests are in image and video processing, with emphasis on video coding, 3DTV, holographic 3DTV and signal processing aspects of optical wave propagation. He was the coordinator of EC funded 3DTV Project (2004–2008), and the co-leader of 3D Media Cluster (2008-2010) which is an umbrella organization formed by many European Commission funded 3D-related projects.
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