Dr. Manish Misra
Applications Engineer at Univ of South Alabama
SPIE Involvement:
Author | Instructor
Publications (2)

Proceedings Article | 1 July 2003 Paper
Etienne Joubert, Joseph Pellegrini, Manish Misra, John Sturtevant, John Bernhard, Phu Ong, Nathan Crawshaw, Vern Puchalski
Proceedings Volume 5044, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.485314
KEYWORDS: Reticles, Error analysis, Overlay metrology, Manufacturing, Process control, Control systems, Feedback control, Data modeling, Metrology, Semiconducting wafers

Proceedings Article | 2 June 2003 Paper
Proceedings Volume 5038, (2003) https://doi.org/10.1117/12.484999
KEYWORDS: Overlay metrology, Reticles, Optical alignment, Control systems, Semiconducting wafers, Metrology, Photomasks, Feedback control, Device simulation, Semiconductors

Course Instructor
SC778: Introduction to Advanced Process Control (APC) for Semiconductor Manufacturing
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to APC that will enable process control engineers to tackle the control issues they are facing in their manufacturing environments. Specifically, the participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of process control and fault detection and classification (FDC). The basic introduction will be supplemented with class exercises where participants will be involved in developing Run-to-Run control loops and FDC systems for semiconductor manufacturing processes such as deposition, polishing, litho and etch. Additionally, we will present a multi-scale approach to process control, where unit-level control is highlighted and differentiated from module-level (combination of 2 or more unit-level control loops) process control. The material is presented through a blend of theory, specific case studies, and the development of a check-list that will identify the type of APC system appropriate for various circumstances.
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