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Burn-in testing in high-power fully-aperiodic large-pitch-fiber amplifiers (Conference Presentation)
FYLA SCT1000 Supercontinuum offers a very broadband emission with SPD close to 1 mW/nm, consisting of a train of white pulses of few ps timewidth, trigger output for synchronized measurements and very stable emission, with full spectrum average power stability < 0.5% and peak to peak stability < 1% in VIS region and < 0.6% in NIR region (stabilities refer to standard deviation over mean value). The sample to measure, which can be an optical fiber or any photonic device, is placed in one of the arms of a Michelson interferometer. Interferences obtained with different displacements give values of dispersion at different wavelengths. The standard way is to use a lamp or a SLED at each band [1,2]. This makes the measurement long and tedious. Lamps or SLEDs can be replaced by a single FYLA SCT1000 to obtain the dispersion curve in a fast and very robust way. Since the source is pulsed with a fixed rep rate, delay can be easily controlled to overlap properly light from arms of the interferometer. With a single source, the complete dispersion curve is obtained with resolution below 1 nm. In this work this synchronous interferometric method to measure dispersion is used to optimize the design and manufacture of microstructured optical fibers through an iterative protocol implemented in the fiber drawing process.
Inner cladding influence on large mode area photonic crystal fiber properties under severe heat load
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